I know I have seen this info on this forum but cant seem to find it now. I need information upon fees when taking the builders mortgage. The mortgage will be the subrogation amount plus a fair bit extra ( cant tell you how much as not been told)
So I need to know what % I payfor each of the diferent fees. Also I know the bank have said eurobar +0.75%. Is it the norm for this rate to be aplied to the subrogation amount, as well as the extra.
The bank have said we need to take their buldings and contents insurance which I know it is best to do, however, they also want us to take life insurance ( Ihave no idea if this insurance will be competitivly priced or not), and also a one off insurance fee "just in case in yeras to come it is deemed illegal, and needs to be knocked down"!! The development has had all liscences granted at regional level, and isnt this what my solicitor chceks for? Do I need this insurance, and what is the reality of haggling with these people
many thanks in anticipation