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Hi ya..
I'm moving to spain in September with all of my animals and i am getting quotes for around the £1500/£2000 mark from pet agents to take my pets for me but all they are doing is collecting them from me at Gatwick and giving them back to me at the other end so i dont understand why the cost is so much.
Can anyone give me any better idea's of getting them there with out all of that expense please. Im based in Portsmouth.
Many thanks
Drive to Euro tunnel and if you have all the paper work in order they stay with you all the time. I think we pay £30 per dog- more than for the passengers who go free! Check with Defra site.
I've looked on their site but its a little confusing.. by all paperwork do you mean all their shots up to date and their passports? Sorry if i come across a little simple, honestly im not.. lol
Yes, passports but I only know about dogs not parrots, snakes and lizards! sounds like fun.
Oh i have spoken to them, they haven't actually been very helpfull, i got put through god knows how many times to more people who couldn't help me only to get back to the same guy who said call this number at Reading Animal Health Office and then once i'd called that there was no one there to help me that day... grrr..
And no im not setting up a zoo, lol, just love my animals..
I'm amazed then at Defra as they're SUPPOSED to KNOW !
Well im going to try them again on monday, maybe the guy who i spoke to just wasn't very helpfull...
I'd be interested to know about the parrot as I have one that would need to go with us when we move.
We've decided to drive all the way now, think my animals will be allot less stressed that way..
You STILL need to know the rules on exporting all your animals though, teekapoo. (However did you settle on that name ?  )
You cannot just pop them in the car & go.
We are moving to Javea in the Costa Blanca in late August / early September and taking our two dogs with us. I'm going to fly the kids over then come back for the dogs and drive them.....I think - the cost to fly them is stupid.
I think we will be driving too - have you found any good routes? We live near Southampton, so are near you too!
Whereabouts in Spain are you goin?
Yes of course i know about getting all the proper paperwork, im going to spend the day on the phone tomo sorting all that out, i wouldn't dare just turn up with all my animals in the fear that they all get taken off me...
As for you barneymum its a small world eh.. hehe.. We are going to live about 30 mins away from Alicante its in a place called quesada. We'll be going in the first week of september, I'm good friends with a removal company that is based in Spain called union jack removals and i was talking to him today and he gave me a good tip for people who are driving, he said that on sundays lorrys are not allowed to drive on the roads in france so he would recommend anyone driving to do it at the weekend and make the most of the quiet roads. He's offered to give us a nice route avoiding the tolls but it could take up to 3 days so i think i'd rather pay the tolls and get there quicker.
Its mad eh the prices of pet agents, for what they actaully do i mean...
Hi - I would much rather pay the tolls and get there quicker too. Can you let me know what route you decide on? I'm finding it all really confusing!
Ok will do.. exiting stuff eh... what dogs are you taking?
We've got 2 Golden Retrievers - one is 3, the other 11 months. It's kind of exciting - well it would be if there weren't so many things to worry about, I just want to be locking the door and leaving tomorrow. :)
Yep tell me about it.. Sooooo much to think about and sort out eh, I have a rottie so when i get there i have even more stuff to sort out... quite stressfull but soooooooo worth it... Its goona be an exiting trip, there will be three of us, me my husband and one of our friends so at least that will cut down the driving time... I've never been on a road trip before... yay
Hi Teekapoo again.
I certainly wasn't inferring you would just travel by car, as opposed to any other way, without sorting the paperwork out but your post, after asking about information, seemed as if you were as you suddenly wrote "We've decided to drive" as if taking them that way meant you didn't need paperwork. Just the way I read it. I'm just sorry you are quite obviously trying so hard to do it right & are coming up against obstacles & you shouldn't, dealing with Defra. Good luck with your call to them tomorrow. Can your vet offer further advice as they deal with passports so they should. Our vets had someone well versed in taking pets out of the UK.
You're going to be Quesada then, just a few mins from us. For great info on driving from UK to Spain look in this board Driving in Spain Should be lots more, just search forum.
Edited to add : Teekaboo, could you put Quesada, CB as your location in your profile please to let us know where you've bought. It helps us to answer some localised questions. Not obligatory, just helps us or we have to search your posts & most wouldn't bother.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 6/1/2008.
No thats fine, sometimes especially when you dont know someone its hard to know how things are meant to sound so no worries..
I've not actually bought anywhere yet a friend of ours is lending us their apartment for a few months till we find somewhere, even then we will still only be renting while this housing market sorts it self out and maybe in the future when we've been in Spain for a while we will look into buying...
So where abouts do you live then if we're moving only mins away from you?
Do you have any regrets on moving because i have spoken to quite a few people on this and its a very mixed review...
Thanks for the link.