The Comments |
We're non residents on a large urb just outside Guadamar, Teekaboo, on the way to Quesada. (Just alongside the totally brilliant Campo de Guardamar Sunday market).
We are over more & more now as my OH took early retirement, aged 60, in March but we live in the UK, see my profile.
OH & I meet many EOS members when over. Once you're there you could meet up with a few of us, if you want. This message was last edited by morerosado on 6/1/2008.
That would be very nice thank you.. x
Im going over there and starting up my dog grooming business, its been a very big success here so hopeully in time it will be over there too, im mobile so i groom dogs at peoples homes, i just hope there isn't a million and one groomers already out there... lol.. So the more people i know the better.. My husband works on line so he only has to unplug here and plug back in over there...
Im looking at starting a family too but have heard that the hospitals are not as good as back here and that allot of people even come back here to have their baby and then go back to spain, is this right?
Sooo many questions i know but there is sooooooooo much to find out about eh..
The public hospitals in our area are excellent .
The Vega Baja Hospital is in Orihuela in the district of San Bartolome. It has several names, Vega Baja, Orihuela Hospital or San Bartolome Hospital. This is the nearest public hospital to Torrevieja. Meant to be 1st class.
So never be concerned about a Brit having a baby in Spain. (It happens all the time !!  )
Anyway, after living in Spain for 3 months you're classed as resident & the UK will charge you for healthcare so having a baby back in the UK will cost you.
Teekapoo, I have sent you a PM.
it wont let me look at it.. grrrr
In case you don't get your PMs activated, teekapoo, I'll post the message here...........
Hi again teekapoo
Regarding your Rottie being in Spain you will need to register him/her as that is a dangerous breed.
Our friends Marion & Chris who live in La Marina have two dogs, Badger & Rosie. Badger is an English bull terrier & classed as a dangerous dog though he's the daftest mutt going & would lick you to death rather than maul you but rules are rules.
Marion has a web site for Badger, take a look. BADGER'S SITE I know the procedure for registering Badger was frustrating & long winded. They needed to raise the height of their villa's garden walls, put a solid gate on not a grille type, muzzle her in public etc. You just wouldn't believe all they were told to do or what paperwork was needed. They even were vetted to see if they were considered ok to own a dangerous breed &, of course, everything happens in Spanish too..
In fact I think that as you're going to be renting, you'll find you'll be in trouble with the law in Spain for having a rottie without all that in place. Also, if your friends are allowing you use of their apartment for some months maybe the community it is part of will refuse any dogs let alone one of a dangerous breed !!!
Marion has written a section in Badger's site about it so go look. DANGEROUS DOGS IN SPAIN
You need to find out a whole lot more before taking a rottie to Spain under your circumstances.
I know all this isn't what you want to hear.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 6/1/2008.
Thank you morerosado for all of your help, i'm talking to a few people on a rottie forum at the mo about taking rotties to Spain and they are very helpful too and have in fact put my mind at rest a little about it, so long as i go over there and do it all properly im sure it will all work out ok...
Hi teekapoo, thought we'd lost you. Glad you're feeling ok & learning more but DO CHECK that your friends community allow dogs (& a rottie at that) as you certainly do NOT want to get there only to find you have to move. All communities ARE different so you NEED to know what your friends community has agreed in THEIR rules. It's what THEY say, nothing to do with others.
Ok no worries, i'll be checking this before i leave.. if not someone else has offered us a big house with an annex, already fenced in because they own big dogs themselves, i wasn't that keen on the place when i saw it but at least we have options eh.. I would like a nice villa really, if we can find one that will accept the dogs...
hiya i live in playa flamenca 6 months of the year which is not far from where you are going. if you still need help with routes for driving to spain etc i will give you my uk phone no. as i am here until sept........good luck, muff
I arrive in Playa Flamenca on15th July, I hope they don't escape!
I don't like snakes or lizards...............dogs are ok and if the parrot comes to my home, will gladly feed it, I like birds!
No, I am female, just like the feathered kind!
Ha ha!
Seriously, I do hope you get on ok with your move and that your animals adapt ok to the climate change.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Teekapoo - What you need to establish is do your pets have the necessary paperwork to get back into the UK rather than get out.
A lot of expat forums are full of requests for help in looking after pets when their owners have to go back to the UK unexpectedly. They have obtained pet passports but still have x amount of time until they are able to take the pets with them. If it's only been 4 months since the blood test confirmation then if you took the animal(s) back to the UK they would have to remain in quarantine for 6 months not 2
I would have thought that as the lizard and snake are caged they wouldn't need a rabies jab but not sure about the parrot.
If you're not getting any help from the people you've contacted so far, try Heathrow Airport they have an animal centre and will know what paperwork is needed for your parrot, lizard and snake to enter the UK without going into quarantine.
As to pregnancy in Spain others have reported that they have used the Hospital de Torrevieja and given glowing reports. Most of the staff there can communicate in English, I would imagine when in pain it might be difficult to even think in Spanish let alone understand it.
The two recently pregnant ladies on another forum lived in Orihuela Costa and they used the new hospital so I would have thought that anyone living in Quesada would have been able to use it as well. But as with every bit of advice given check, check and double check.