PSI/Ambasun - Jumilla

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18 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by hughfraser Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

PSI/Ambasun - Jumilla

Does anyone know the latest regarding Jumilla.   We like other people are frustrated with the lack of response from either PSI or Ambasun?   They do not respond regarding the situation with Receivership and we cannot get any information from them.
We do not have a bank guarantee but a lot of money has been paid over to them, which was paid in April 2007.

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18 Jun 2008 7:17 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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I did hear through the grapevine the other day that Ambasun have been in a meeting with Liquidation lawyers looking to see how they are covered in the event that San Jose go into bankruptcy.
It seems that they are more concerned at this moment with covering their own backs.
Amba sun and PSI are pretty much one entity although are officially seperate companies.
I hear they are charging over 2k to get you out of the mire that they put you in,if PSI did not get you your bank guarantee then they were breaking the law.
My personal opinion is if anything happens to san jose as in bankruptcy then Amba sun will dissapear with them,or at least slip into another guise.
one thing is for sure it will be a long rocky path ahead,sorry not to be more positive.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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19 Jun 2008 9:10 AM by hughfraser Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Georgia     AMBAsun/PSI - Jumilla


Has anyone actually paid PSI the 2300 euros they are asking for re Power of Attorney for registration re liquidation of Sn Jose?

We feel that this request adds insult to injury.   PSI have Power of Attorney re buying the property for which they were paid and have let us down badly by not getting a bank guarantee.

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25 Jun 2012 8:53 AM by crispy bacon Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Brazilian invester is coordinating a group who also have been ripped off by Ambasun, he has managed to get the police interested in undertaking an investigation. It has been on going for several months now. I can tell you the investigation is active and is being undertaken by the MET. 

To support that and widen the investigation to include the combined fraud perpetrated by the various officers and companies concerned with Bulgaria, Brazil, Spain and wherever else these folk have been operating you need to make a formal complaint. The details are below. So let's pull it together and lodge complaints as required. I have submitted mine this morning. 
We need to contact Action Fraud to lodge our individual complaints to get a new investigation into Amba Sun Ltd, Amba Sun Invest Ltd, Amba Sun International and Vision Land Ltd instigated 

lodge a complaint via the Action Fraud website which is actionfraud.police uk

If you know of any other forum this needs to be on, please copy it. It is important as many people as possible make a complaint so their will be an individual officer assigned to the case. 

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08 Jul 2012 1:35 PM by frase Star rating. 1 posts Send private message


Thanks for that info crispybacon, I will join you in lodging a complaint and spreading the word.

Many Thanks.


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