The Comments |
Hello All,
I would like to know if anyone else has put a deposit down on the Gardens of Manilva site. I am considering buying here myself so would appreciate any feedback you have.
Dont bother not a good idea
be wary, court cases a plenty stacking up here
Hi we have broughta property on thios dvelopment and I have heard about pending court cases etc. However, I dio not know how true this is. Could anyone shed any light? We don't want to hand over more money if this is the case. REALLY APPRECAITE ANY REPLIES
I too have brought a property on this development, and to be honest ...... i wish i hadn't!
Not heard about the many court cases stacking up, but would like to know more on this if anyone has any further information.
Hi we have been contacted by two solicitors now, one who said they had started legal procedings there and another one in the uk.Not sure what to do.If anyone else has been contacted please get in touch.
Has anyone had their mortgage yet?
Its not looking good is it.It would be great if we could all get together and go through our options via a solicitor.There must be loads of us in a similar situation.
We dont have a clue what is happening!
This message was last edited by broadway on 9/27/2008.
What is the problem with this site, when we were over there looking at the development (or lack of development) we were buying on we had a run over there and it looked like it was almost finished? We wondered if we should consider it.
Consider what?What do you mean?
We wondered whether we should consider Gardens of Manilva rather than the development we were looking at.
There are many factors to consider when you are buying - such as what are you looking for in the apartment. Is it to live in or rental purposes, facilities, location etc .....................
What is the other development that you are comparing with.
We own an apartment ourselves locally built by the same developer and might be able to advise from an "un-biased" point of view.
Why do you not buy a proporty already built - there could not be a better time if you have the money . Go for what they call a 'distressed' sale . The development will be establlished and you know what you are getting. You might even get it fully furnished .
I'm just wondering why people are saying 'don't buy' and what the court cases are about?
I've bought a 2 bed apartment and when I went out in June they looked really good. I understand they are just about ready now and am really excited. I know Ocean View are completely rubbish and completely try to rip you off - so don't deal with them. I've organised my furniture at half the cost through someone in Duquesa. I know now isn't a great time given the state of the housing market and the mortgage market/interest rates etc But if someone still wants to buy and can afford to buy - what's wrong with Gardens of Manilva?? I know they are late but I understand there have been problems getting planning pemission down there. I think if you try and aviod Ocean View as much as possible - Gardens of Manilva shoud be really good??
I'm not conversant with the problems that, seemingly,are involved with the development, Elle1. However, it has nothing to do with any agent if the developer hasn't planning permission. Agents will tell you what they think you want to know. No agent is going to tell you the development hasn't permission to be there etc.  They deal with sales.
As I can only find one post on the general forum from you, can I assume you've joined the development forum for this development & have posted the other six posts in there ?
For others join here >> Gardens of Manilva Country Club Click blue link.
I think you've misiterpreted my posting. I was speaking generally about building developers taking longer to get planning permission, I wasn't implying that there is no permission for GoM, I'm sure there is. I don't believe there are any problems with this site. In addition I've visited the site on several ocasions recently, there is ongoing progress and it's nearly finished now. There seems to be some negative comments on here about the site and I don't really understand why - I think it looks really good! It just feels like there is a lot of speculation on here and people worrying (unduly) but not really much in terms of hard facts. I would like to think that most people are looking fwd to getting their new apartment - as I am.
Hi, I´m new to this site but specifically need to know if any one else has joined a group of unhappy and/or concerned purchasers of Gardens of Manilva and have a solicitor acting for them? We live in Duquesa a stone´s throw from the development and have very grave concers as Ocean View appear to have taken our deposit and passed us onto the developer! As we have retired and our life savings have gone into this, we do not know how to progress. Can anyone give us some information please? It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Rosehop,
I am afraid I do not know about the Gardens of Manilva, but if you drill down to the 4th Oct. Morerosado's Post and click on the blue link there might be people their that can help you.
Welcome to the forum you should get some help from other people who are in the same circumstances.
Take care Pat