The Comments |
Hi everyone,
First post so a brief intro. About 5 years ago we bought a plot of land in Begur, a lovely part of the Costa Brava. We spent about 18 months suffering great angst at the hand of a local builder and a lot of hard work by us and our family to eventually end up with a lovely villa that we intended to retire to.
Bomb shell dropped last year when I was diagnosed with a brain tumour. The tumour is not operable using ordinary surgery - I have had radiation therapy to stop it growing which appears to be working. Anyone out there have any idea as to whether I would receive 'free' treatment if I moved/retired to Spain ( As a minimum I need an annual MRI Scan) or if any company would give me medical insurance ?
Although my doctor tells me that the radiation therapy is stopping the tumour growing , I'm pretty sure it's the Rioja !!
_______________________ Shaun
Tricky one mate, might depend on your age. If you are over 65 should not be a problem.Good luck.
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
Hi sj27, so sorry to hear about your brain tumour, but as Acapulco said if you are over 65 you would qualify for free medication. But if under that age their is a thread if you do a search for Healthcare in Spain hope this helps, you should find a lot of information. Just editing this to post to say  welcome to the forum you will find it very helpful. Take care Pat This message was last edited by Pat and Roy on 8/31/2008.
A while ago the British Embassy said they were looking at setting up a system where expats below retirement age could pay into the Spanish health system.
The rates weren't discussed except to say that they would be less than what is currently paid, possibly because it's only to cover health care whereas the amount paid currently also provides a pension after x amount of years.
The majority of people who were receiving free health care before now have pre excisting conditions which would not be covered under private health insurance.
If you already subscibe to Bupa then you should be able to transfer over to Sanitas and be covered in Spain.
Can only comment on the Costa Blanca area but it would seem that the health care provided is excellant in the National Health hospitals. No long waiting list for MRI's etc, you might have to travel to another hospital for the scan depending on what equipments available at your nearest one.
Fight hard against the tumor and for your dream in Spain. Please let us know if you need our help.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Thanks to everyone and especially to Pat and Roy re your suggestion - I'm a little wiser but very confused ! 'Febe' you seemed to have a grasp on the situation in Catalunya, any suggestions from you ( or anyone else in the region) that might assist.
_______________________ Shaun
I've pm'd Febe and asked if she can help you. As a new member you are unable to send or receive emails.
She hasn't posted for some time so it may be a while before you get a reply.
Hi all,
No I don't post much, not got much to say!
Thanks semijubilada for the pm.
Short answer is , I don't Know.
Have a look at
NOTE. there is NO dot between www and 10
It's a very good site, in English, which always helps. You can contact Catsalut from there and ask them if the they would cover you. I hope they will.
Getting a cap card is easy. I know that it covers us for general health care and emergency. Having broken my arm 18 months ago, I can safely say the care was second to none.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Take care, Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.
Semijubilada, thanks for the help with the intro to Febe and thanks to you Febe re the web site- it's just what I was looking for.
Many Thanks
_______________________ Shaun
As always, the first thing to do is phone Newcastle and ask them if they will issue you with an E121 or similar. Once you have one of these, you will have rights to full healthcare in Spain. You will get passed around a bit, but will finally talk to someone who knows something! Have all of your NHS details with you before you start (NHS Nº etc).
If worse come to worst, an MRI in my area of Spain costs 220€. Is that managable once a year?
_______________________ Max Kite
Maximeters S.L.U.
Hi Shaun,
You're very welcome.
Having re-read through some of the paper work I have here re health care. It talks about if you need hospital treatment, diagnosis etc. so I think you may be ok.
Do please let me know what they say.
I'm not sure that site actually tells you how to get your card, however it's not hard. I can advise when you need, just let me know.
Take care.
No matter where you go, there you are.
Thanks re the cost of the MRI - heck of a lot cheaper than London, and would be more than happy to pay this amount.
Thanks for the offer of help, I'll let you know how I get on.
_______________________ Shaun