trains,trams and trenets,alicante to denia

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19 Feb 2007 12:00 AM by gillian Star rating in Colchester and Altea.... 187 posts Send private message

 I am thinking about ways to reduce my carbon footprint and am wondering about the use of local trains .Have read lots of conflicting articles about the tram/trenet rail link between Alicante and Denia.Is the change over still at Campello and if so is it going to be a direct line eventually ?

Also any news of the rail link to and from Alicante airport ?

I am hoping there are some train fans out there with the answers.


Gilly & Ralph

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19 Feb 2007 10:36 PM by JeansSis Star rating. 2376 posts Send private message

JeansSis´s avatar

Hi Gillian,

Is this of any use to you ? Sorry, can't be of further help.



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20 Feb 2007 2:36 PM by Stephen2006 Star rating in Glasgow/ Torre Guil . 78 posts Send private message

Stephen2006´s avatar


Try the following link - the system is not part of RENFE but owned by the Generalitat. As you correctly state you currently have to change at El Campello to get to/ from Alicante.  Alicante is currently underatking an ambitious programme to construst a tram system in Alicante linking the FGV system to the Renfe station.  Dont know if the plan is to stop the change in El Campello, but for now it is unavoidable.

The line north of El Campello is also being electified and eventually doubled tracked to Altea.  However this seems to be progressing slowly.

As for the airport link, again there are plans to extend the FGV south to the airport and possibly Torrevieja, when I dont know. However I have read conflicting news here as it may be that the Renfe spur be reinstated into Torrevieja on the Alicante - Murcia line.

Yours the anorach!


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20 Feb 2007 3:24 PM by JeansSis Star rating. 2376 posts Send private message

JeansSis´s avatar


I clicked on the link (thanks, one for my Spanish folder for the future) & it has English version at the top right, which grr is not working. I thought it was cos I've got the pop up blocker on so I temporarily removed the blocker. Still no luck with the English version & now cannot get pop up blocker reinstated. Hubby won't be well pleased with me tonight. I'd better go & cook a great meal to take his mind off the fact that .


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20 Feb 2007 5:15 PM by MANSOURS Star rating in Milton Keynes / Los .... 46 posts Send private message

MANSOURS´s avatar


Great Avatar - I am en ex-pat Glaswegian in Milton Keynes - nice to see the flag flying!!!!!!


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20 Feb 2007 7:14 PM by gillian Star rating in Colchester and Altea.... 187 posts Send private message

Thanks for info Janice and Stephen.I had similar problems trying to launch the English version but will keep trying.


Gilly & Ralph

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20 Feb 2007 9:35 PM by Stephen2006 Star rating in Glasgow/ Torre Guil . 78 posts Send private message

Stephen2006´s avatar

Dont think that  the English version has ever worked since ive known of the site - so theres nowt for it but to learn castellano. Thanks Mansour but I am an expat Welshman living in Glasgow, not found the same for the Welsh flag!!

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10 Jun 2008 2:46 PM by amogles Star rating in El Campello (holiday.... 180 posts Send private message

The change in El Campello is no longer necessary. There is now a service from Alicante Mercado to Benidorm departing every half hour. Destinations beyond Benidorm still require a change in Benidorm, but FGV are working on this. The plan is to offer a direct service from Alicante to Altea, possibly opening later this year.  

A restoration of the through service to Denia is not likely to happen in the next couple of years as plans to electrify this line have been shelved. However, the line may well be extended at the Denia end to connect to the RENFE service in Gandia (such a service existed until th mid 1970s, so progress is going full circle).

At the Alicante end, however, work is in progress on extending the tunnel from Mercado to the RENFE station. This will provide direct connections to the national rail system and especially the high speed line to Madrid that is now being built. In a further phase, the TRAM service will be extended to the El Altet airport, so there are definitely plenty of exiting developments to look forward to.  

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12 Jun 2008 11:08 AM by info Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

For detailed information about the hows, wheres and whens of train travel in Spain theres a great site called "the man in seat 61" -

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