Help - scared and frustrated re mortgages
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Hi did post this under buying property but thought it better here:
Hi there, Bought off plan at end of 2003 - was getting a divorce and had some capital. Suffering from emotional trauma i did something very uncharacteristic and bought a property - a penthouse no less off - lured by idea of resale before completion. After some time seeing the world I returned to the UK, settled down and began to think of what i had done. Met two of the further stage payments but couldnt afford the third. Thankfully was able to negotiate with the developer and downsized my apartment. It is now, after many false rumours been finished and the habitation licence has been issued. Being pressurised to complete asap but drowning in a sea of mortgage offers. I am trying to hide the fact that i have a mortgage in the UK - it does not show up on my credit reports - not through my bank account - and it is the only way i will be able to borrow sufficient money.... If i get a 70% or 80% mortgage even after paying fees i will get enough capital back to put in the bank and then pay the mortgage for the next two or three years.... hopefully i may also get some rental income to help out.... my belief has to be that i will be able to sell somewhere in the next 3-5 years to at least recoup my investment - is this a vain hope? is the rental market good? my property is slightly inland and i have been told this may be a problem.... also who do i trust for my mortgage - many appear the same - do not want a spanish bank account if i can avoid but many UK lenders wont allow me to rent... what happens if my mortgage in the UK is discovered??? Should i go for snagging and to sign? once i sign will any faults then found be fixed? HELP - losing much sleep over this and need to make some decisions asap - currently thinking of interest only for as long as possible - to allow me time to sell .... does this seem like a good idea - also trying to borrow the maximum i can even though it costs a little more on a monthly basis - on the grounds that i will then have more capital to reinvest at home?? Any ideas or advice -please, please please

Hello King
I am not the right person to be answering your questions, but If I bring this "to the top", perhaps Smiley will be able to help you???
Sorry you have had no response so far, you sound desperate and rihtly so by the sound of things!
Smiley, any suggestions for his poor member!!!!!
Good luck,
Kind regards,
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This thread is listed twice! On the other one there have been a number of replies but no doubt there's no straight forward solution to Kings problem?
Mike T
I have actually spoken to the person conscerned - the lady phoned me yesterday before I was even aware of the thread. Hopefully her questions have now been answered to her complete satisfaction. Seems she was getting some if not all of the information she wanted and maybe a lack of clarity but whether I have made things any clearer for her or just muddied the waters even more you would have to ask her.
Smiley -
Sorry Miket, I did reply to the first post, must have been asleep since then! So confusing when the same thing is posted on two threads, I was just concerned this member got an answer.
But, Smiley, as always, you have delivered, well done, how could I have doubted you! This message was last edited by FibbyUK on 2/22/2007.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hi all, and especially smiley!!
yes very relieved for all your help and advice - highly recommend smiley to others....more than likely will move forward with him ... checking facts and figures tonight ... but thanks to all concerned - will post something on the other thread to just to keep everyone right - had been worried at first that i had posted in the wrong place - new to this!!!
Reading all information on other threads for lots of info - have advised others to come here too - keep up the good work
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