Hi Derek,
We travel the same route in 18 days time!
Due to the fact that the Ferry docks at about 1pm we are going to stop overnight on the outskirts of Madrid and have found what appears to be a very nice, dog friendly hotel.
We will then leave at around 12pm the following day and travel down to Duquesa.
The first leg of Journey from Santandar to the Hotel is about 4.30 hrs and the second leg from the Hotel to our House is about 6 hours. However we will be stopping every two hours for a half hour break in order for our dog to walk around and stretch his legs, which will add 30 mins to the first Journey and 1 hour to the second.
The vet has organised a pheromone collar and some Piriton tablets to help relax him on the ferry and the second half of the journey, as we will give him a break from the Piriton during the first half.
PS. Don't forget to get a Pet Passport for your Dog.
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 11/13/2008.