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31 Dec 2008 12:00 AM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

I’ve read Lenox’ postings on this and other forums since 12 December with growing disquiet and anger. The ‘property situation’ in Spain is dire. Wherever one looks there is illegality, deviousness, corruption and fear. Our politicians and organisations set up to help victims say that they can’t interfere. Those in authority within the Spanish legal system avert their eyes. So many purchasers and would-be purchasers have been disappointed and distressed to a point of nigh on desperation. The stories which reach us are infinite in their variety and are never-ending.

There has to be a turning point. And maybe now is the time. I may be kidding myself but I believe that we are beginning to see signs of movement. By the end of this year we have had yet another damning report on the property situation in Spain from the European Parliament’s Petitions Committee led by a Danish MEP, and a Spanish MEP has undertaken a fact-finding mission on the spot in Andalucia. For the first time we are hearing the word ‘sanctions’ used in their condemnation of the current goings-on. Spain is in real danger of losing grant monies from the EP unless it gets a grip and starts behaving in a just and fair way in its attitude and practice towards land, property and environmental issues. What more can be done? What can you and I do to add to any momentum now taking place?

On Thursday it will be the first day of 2009. It’s a day of resolutions – a day of rethinking and reworking. To remind - these are some of the protests now underway that will culminate in January.

1. The Protest March in Almeria City on 9 January.
2. The Spanish Property Scandal Petition that Suzanne has put together will be taken in person to No 10 Downing Street in early January.
3. The petition to the Governor of the Bank of Spain demanding the honouring of Bank Guarantees will be sent to him towards the end of the month of January.

I am now suggesting that we get involved in such a groundswell of protest that it cannot be ignored any longer. Let’s all make a resolution and commit to it. For a start this is mine. The only way we can have any effect on the Spanish judicial system is through the European Parliament. This is only my opinion, but I think it may be a fact. It’s a long and tedious way of doing things but I believe it has to be accepted because as far as I can see we have nothing other than this to work with. In the UK there are 78 MEPs who are supposed to represent us in Europe. When we have concerns they are the people to whom we are meant to turn. I’m therefore going to blanket email all of them and respectfully request that they support our protest efforts (they won’t have heard of them unless we tell them) by adding their individual written protest to ours in whichever way they feel it’s appropriate to do so.

I would like to throw some ideas into the ring and for now I want to suggest some specific actions that could be taken. I would like to ask you to think about doing one or all of the following:
a) if you have not already sent a petition of your own to the Petitions Committee in the EP that you do that asap. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/peti_home_en.htm
b) write to ALL the MEPs in your area – this would support my blanket mailing - and to your MP to make them aware of your situation. Only one letter needs to be written and that copied to them all. Those of you who have done this in the past please send a follow-up letter to update them (and not let them off the hook). http://www.europarl.org.uk/uk_meps/MembersMain.htm
c) visit your MP at his/her next surgery and ask them to support you in an individual protest letter – look them firmly in the eye. We put them there to do this kind of thing for us!
d) write to the Spanish Ombudsman. http://www.defensordelpueblo.es/web_ingles/home2.asp
e) write to the Spanish Bar Association. Ilustre Colegio de Abogados (branches in each province) or directly to the President of the CGPJ - Consejo General del Poder Judicial (The General Council of the Judiciary)
f) write to or ring your local newspaper and get a story printed. Don’t be shy.
g) make sure you have signed the Spanish Property Scandal Petition www.spanishpropertyscandalpetition.co.uk and, where it’s appropriate, the petition to the Governor of the Bank of Spain. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/spanishbankguarantees.html
h) attend protests where it’s physically possible to do and cheer on by email where you can’t.

I’m sure you have more ideas and suggestions that you can make so lets put our heads together so that we can bang the drum and make as much noise as possible.
We need a flood of mail and a tide of publicity.
We need to keep up the pressure.
We need to stand by each other.
Something, somewhere, has to give – and it’s not going to be us.


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02 Jan 2009 11:18 AM by forseys Star rating. 27 posts Send private message

Hi Ruth

Tues Dec 23rd the Leicester Mercury part of the Mail Group lent the whole of the front page and page 2 highlighting Ocean View and the Gardens of Manilva plus other bits and pieces.

This was obviously due to the fact two former Leicester City Football players and a Leicestershire and former England Cricket Player have lost deposits.

Headline reads 'City legends in battle for cash'  with a further headline 'Sports stars head for court over spanish property deals'

This article was also supported by a large photo of half built properties.

Unless Spain follows through the law that is in place it's reputation is very quickly going down hill. The option of other countries that offer sunshine and a slower pace of life are becoming far more interesting.  











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05 Jan 2009 3:40 PM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

Thank you forseys for the lead.  The Leicester Mercury is looking for others in Leicestershire like me (and the footballers) who have been caught up in unsuccessful purchases of property.  Please contact gemmapeplow@leicestermercury.co.uk with your story.

Thanks  ruth


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06 Jan 2009 1:55 PM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

Here is a copy of the letter I sent out this morning.  I've already had positive replies...



the Vice President of the European Commission, Jacques Barrot,  
his Commissioners Siim Kalla, Stavros Dimas, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Friso Roscam-Abbing, Catherine Ashton, Vincent Guerend, Kristin Arp, Meglena Kuneva and Hubert Gambs,
to members of the Cabinet in Her Majesty’s Government in the UK, David Miliband,  Jack Straw, and Caroline Flint,
to William Hague, David Lidington and Nick Herbert in the Conservative Shadow Cabinet,
to Liberal-Democrat spokespersons Edward Davey and Chris Huhne,
and to the 78 UK members of the European Parliament.
Mr Gary Titley, Mr Den Dover, Mr Chris Davies, Mrs Arlene McCarthyMr John WhittakerMr David Sumberg, Mr Brian Simpson, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Atkins, Mr Sajjad Karim, Mr Stephen HughesMr Martin CallananMrs Fiona HallMrs Linda McAvan,  Mr Timothy Kirkhope,  Mrs Diana Wallis,  Mr Godfrey Bloom,  Mr Richard Corbett,  Mr Edward McMillan-Scott,  Mr Philip Bushill-MatthewsMr Michael CashmanMr Mike NattrassMrs Liz LynneMr Philip Bradbourn OBEMrs Neena GillMr Malcolm Harbour, Mr Roger Helmer,  Mr Robert Kilroy-SilkMrs Glenis WillmottMr Christopher Heaton-HarrisMr Derek ClarkMr Bill Newton Dunn, Mr John Bowis OBEMr Claude MoraesBaroness Sarah LudfordDr Charles TannockMrs Mary HoneyballMr Gerard BattenMr Syed KamallMrs Jean LambertMr Robert Evans, Mr Geoffrey Van OrdenMr Jeffrey TitfordMr Richard HowittMr Robert Sturdy, Mr Andrew DuffMr Christopher BeazleyMr Tom WiseMr Neil Parish,  Mr Trevor Colman,  Mr Graham Watson,  Dr Caroline Jackson,  Mr Glyn Ford,  Mr Roger Knapman,  Mr Giles Chichester, Mr Daniel HannanMr Nigel FarageMr Nirj DevaBaroness Nicholson of WinterbourneMr Peter SkinnerMr James EllesMr Ashley MoteMr Richard AshworthDr Caroline Lucas, . Mrs Sharon Bowles, Mr Jim Allister QCMrs Bairbre de BrúnMr James Nicholson, Mrs Glenys KinnockMrs Jill EvansMr Jonathan Evans, Mrs Eluned Morgan, Mr David MartinMr Ian HudghtonMr Struan StevensonMrs Catherine StihlerMrs Elspeth AttwoollMr Alyn SmithMr John Purvis CBE
Cc: European MEPs Ms Margrete Auken (Denmark), D. David Hammerstein (Spain)
Re:  Spanish justice?

In this month of January 2009 a number of protests are taking place concerning the disastrous ‘property situation’ in Spain. I am sure that the vast majority of you will be aware of some of the problems that have occurred, and are still occurring, when attempting to buy property and live in Spain because many of your constituents will have written to tell you so. 
I write this open letter to you all today to appeal to you, as our elected representatives in the Government and the European Parliament, to add your support to our protests. We need you to use your best efforts to pressurize the Spanish government into righting the wrongs that for a considerable time have blighted their property industry, their judicial system and the resulting Anglo/Spanish relationship.
It is over twelve months since Len and Helen Prior‘s home was demolished in Almanazora, Almeria because of alleged planning irregularities. This case was well publicized at the time but the Priors still have had no compensation. Threats of further demolitions hang like the sword of Damocles over many owners’ heads. In questions over the legality of property, Town Hall corruption has been well documented; the Malaya case in Marbella is a prime example. Mayors and town hall officials are jailed, but the corruption goes on. The judicial system cannot be relied on at any level; laws are interpreted, stretched, and evidence ignored in some cases. Judges give inconsistent findings. They have even been known to change their own minds on appeal with no new evidence submitted. One wonders why. The deposit funds of many would-be purchasers have consistently been locked by developers, banks and the rulings of the courts for 5-6 years and more, and are still being held while Town Halls and the Junta quarrel over long-term plans. 
This state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on. Spain must begin to accept its moral and legal responsibility as a fully paid up member of the European Parliament with its rules and obligations very much in mind. Where is its national pride?
I would like to draw to your attention three particular ‘happenings’ in January.
a) The peaceful Protest March in Almeria City on Friday 9th January supported by these citizens movements: AVEP, AULAN, AUAN, AUN, LSOS, Ciudadanos Europeos, Cantoria Residents Association. I quote,
The organisers, residents in the province of Almeria, are holding a peaceful
protest: (1) against real estate and planning corruption and insecurity and to
ask for justice; (2) to ask for solutions and the protection of purchasers in
good faith, some of which, are subject to the threat of demolition, and many
of which do not have proper water and electricity; (3) to seek transparency
and citizen participation in the regularisation process; (4) against proposed
charges the Junta seeks to levy within the regularisation process, and which
should be met by those responsible, and to ensure this is guaranteed in
writing; (5) to ask for justice for the Prior family, victims of alleged
planning irregularities, whose house was demolished over a year ago, and who
have not yet seen any sign of redress.’
b) The Spanish Property Scandal Petition is to be presented to the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, at 10 Downing Street at the end of the month ofJanuary. The petition contains hundreds of signatures with details of their cases.  This dossier of evidence graphically logs the abuses and makes very sorry reading.
c) An on-line petition to the Governor of the Bank of Spain will be sent on the last day of the month demanding that Bank Guarantees are honoured. Bank Guarantees are a legally required form of insurance, written and agreed by three sets of lawyers acting for the developer, the purchaser and the bank. They cover stage payments made by people buying off-plan property in the event that a completion of the sale cannot be made within the time agreed by the developer. It is the one element of consumer protection in the whole purchasing process and should be a document that is simply written, fully understood and corruption proof.
I acknowledge that I am not writing about life-and-death situations, extreme poverty or ignorance. I am writing to you about the debilitating distress over years caused by a situation which ought to be a normal everyday process as straight-forward as any house purchase in England. Even those can be tricky, but they are as nothing compared with the happenings in Spain at present. I quote again from the Protest March leaflet,
This protest is about much more than the Priors and their disgraceful
treatment. Imagine we obtain some compensation for them or that the Junta
caves in and apologises... would that be the end of the protest? Total
This is about generalised (and institutionalised) property fraud in a 21st
century European state. It's about notaries and mayors and town hall
architects and the people from 'costas' and the man from the 'delegación
provincial' (Seville's gauleiter in Almería). It's about 'land grab',
'inherited mortgages', unfair re-zoning, sleight-of-hand, trickery and fraud.
Thousands of homes are under some blackmail, whether to pay to be regularized
or to be knocked down. The Europeans who settle in Spain do so because it's
safe. They bring money with them which helps support the small towns where
they wish to live. Everybody should win.’

Commissioners, Ministers, Members of Parliament, Members of the European Parliament, I would urge you, after reading this letter, to consider how you might add your voice to our protest. Please don’t reply to me saying that you have no power to change anything, because you do. That is why you were elected – to change things for the better.   When you write, or speak, it may be that you have specific constituents in mind or you may wish to make more general points. If you consider writing to Gordon Brown, or to the Governor of the Bank of Spain, or your counterpart Ministers and MEPs in Spain, you will be heard. All that I ask is that you declare your interest and declare it firmly.
Thank you for your time and for your careful consideration.
Yours sincerely
[name and address] 
6 January 2009 
For specific information about the protests you may find these websites useful:


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06 Jan 2009 2:20 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


fantastic letter. Well done. Just puts the truth plainly. It's a shame we can't put the misery caused in to words. As you say not a life or death situation (though i have heard rumoured suicides connected with this), but certainly the lives of many have been ruined through no fault of their own, and if that's not bad enough, those who cheated them are often not bought to justice, but allowed to carry on.

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06 Jan 2009 2:25 PM by Suzie Star rating in England. 121 posts Send private message

This is excellent Ruth.  Fantastically put together, well done.

I also think it's very good that all this 'Action' is taking place in this same month of January.  As soon as I have the date finalised for presenting Our Petition to No. 10 I shall let you know.  In the meantime, am trying to get as many signatures as possible.

Best regards from Suzanne



This message was last edited by Suzie on 1/6/2009.

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06 Jan 2009 6:34 PM by Chrissie1 Star rating in UK. 384 posts Send private message

Chrissie1´s avatar

Fantastic Ruth.  Very simply put and well explained.  If I can be of any help please let me know. Lots of us are caught up in the problems of buying in Spain and stand to lose a lot of money which we have worked very hard for.  It has certainly changed our lives.

All the Best




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07 Jan 2009 8:28 AM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

Thanks for the encouraging words - the quotes that I used from Lenox' press release for the March were particularly strong and apt I thought.

You ask how you can help.  This is what I said in my original posting:


a) if you have not already sent a petition of your own to the Petitions Committee in the EP that you do that asap. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/peti_home_en.htm
b) write to ALL the MEPs in your area – this would support my blanket mailing - and to your MP to make them aware of your situation. Only one letter needs to be written and that copied to them all. Those of you who have done this in the past please send a follow-up letter to update them (and not let them off the hook). http://www.europarl.org.uk/uk_meps/MembersMain.htm
c) visit your MP at his/her next surgery and ask them to support you in an individual protest letter – look them firmly in the eye. We put them there to do this kind of thing for us!
d) write to the Spanish Ombudsman. http://www.defensordelpueblo.es/web_ingles/home2.asp
e) write to the Spanish Bar Association. Ilustre Colegio de Abogados (branches in each province) or directly to the President of the CGPJ - Consejo General del Poder Judicial (The General Council of the Judiciary)
f) write to or ring your local newspaper and get a story printed. Don’t be shy.
g) make sure you have signed the Spanish Property Scandal Petition www.spanishpropertyscandalpetition.co.uk and, where it’s appropriate, the petition to the Governor of the Bank of Spain. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/spanishbankguarantees.html
h) attend protests where it’s physically possible to do and cheer on by email where you can’t.

I’m sure you have more ideas and suggestions that you can make so lets put our heads together so that we can bang the drum and make as much noise as possible.
We need a flood of mail and a tide of publicity.
We need to keep up the pressure.
We need to stand by each other.  >>

Whichever action(s) you choose to take will add to the groundswell of protest this month.  Let's see how far we can get in one big concerted effort. 

Keep on trucking!




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07 Jan 2009 5:25 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Way to go Ruth....thanks to you and Lennox and Suzie  and everyone else for the tremendous effort you are putting into this.  We personally do not seem to be affected by these problems although the builder nearly caused us nervous breakdowns, however I recognize it's a 'there by the grace of God go I' situation. I have previously written to my MEP but will certainly be following your example and blanket email them all as you have taken the trouble to provide the address and an excellent letter. If I were in Spain right now would attend the protest march as too much wrongdoing has gone on for far too long.

Good luck everyone, we will be with you in spirit and will join any protests when we are in Spain.

Regards, Poppyseed



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11 Jan 2009 12:34 PM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

12 Jan 2009 2:23 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 posts Send private message

Ruth Well done ! I have followed all the steps in your email and will be happy to do anything else I can.I have been feeling very low lately and have considered giving up.You are an inspiration to all .I will NOT give up now ,bring it on !!!!!! lets fight the good fight and never forget we have not done anything wrong  !!!!!! JA

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12 Jan 2009 5:49 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message

julie anne

exactly right, we have done nothing wrong.  We just followed the rules, and have been screwed by liars and cheats, in a system that does nothing to deter them. Good for you for fighting on. I have lost many nights sleep in anger in the last 6 years and have felt very low about it all at times.  It's made me more than ever determined to fight to force for justice now though. We musn't let the bastads get away with it, and that goes for the lowest scum-bag agent right up to those in power who can change things.

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14 Jan 2009 12:50 PM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message


Another possible way of supporting the January Actions?
Last week there were articles in both the Telegraph
 and the Observer
about the actions in Spain. 
If you want to help, and in an effort to keep the campaigns in the public eye, letters to the Editors of these newspapers could be written in response to these articles. It won’t take you long – just a few lines, short and to-the-point, - but we might get something published again that way. It’s worth a try. And one way of supporting Suzanne’s and my efforts would be if, when you write, you mention one or other or both of the two petitions. We need to let people outside the Forums know about them.
Letters to the Telegraph dtletters@telegraph.co.uk (Daily Telegraph) or stletters@telegraph.co.uk (Sunday Telegraph). Please include name, address, and work and home telephone numbers.
Letters to the Observer: letters@observer.co.uk
TIA - Thanks in advance.

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14 Jan 2009 1:15 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 posts Send private message

Once again Thank you Ruth et al for all you do ! I will do this right away Regards JA

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14 Jan 2009 3:45 PM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

julie anne


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10 Jan 2011 6:18 PM by mike_congress Star rating. 31 posts Send private message

Suzanne - I recently met with Marta Andreasen in Brussels.  She is very supportive of our situations re Bank Guarantees, and all related property issues.  Your petition was ignored by Gordon Brown.  He stated that he would forward it to the FCO, who we already know are not interested as they have been made aware of the situation by many of us and choose not to help.

We discussed this and Marta commented that it may be worthwile resubmitting your petition to both the coalition government - maybe a copy to both David Cameron and Nick Clegg individually?  Perhaps William Hague may be more sympathetic also.

You did so much work in preparing your petition and it seemed very convincing - I don't know how Gordon Brown's government could be so dismissive.  Maybe there's an opportunity for the coalition to show how much more public minded they are and offer us some long awaited help!


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11 Jan 2011 2:13 PM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message


And so what about 2011?
I am astonished to re-read now what I wrote two years ago. Thanks Mike for pulling this up into the air again. I really could have written it yesterday.
For me and mine, in two years, nothing has changed. The six years of court procedures ground on and on and are now complete. We have won nothing. The words of sympathy, or apathy, remain just that – words. Justice is as elusive as ever. I suspect that there are many of us still in the same boat but just a few thousand Euros lighter.
What has changed, however, are the new faces in power. In the UK we have a new government; some of us have new MPs and new MEPs. In the European Parliament we have a new President, Herman Van Rompuy, a man who according to the NY Times of 21/11/10 ‘believes in ethics and social justice’ and who in the past ‘has sometimes threatened the European Commission and its president, Jose Manuel Barroso’. 
I don’t think there are many with experiences in the Spanish property market who would disagree with me when I describe corruption in the Spanish justice system as institutionalised. It is endemic and will take generations to clean up. It is an unutterably sad fact but anyone looking for a quick solution is deluding themselves. The route will be long and arduous but, thankfully and amazingly, there are those who are willing and courageous enough to take first steps.
Those of us who have been hurt do not cry simply because we have lost money – we cry because we have been cheated and lied to, disrespected and made to feel less than the human beings we are. Money is merely a symbol, and for some of us a very important symbol because it has represented much of what we have devoted a lifetime of work experience to. It gave us access to our reward of ‘a place in the sun’. We have been belittled.
But we have choices still. We can sit back and say ‘What’s the point? I’m tired. Enough is enough.’ We can give up.  Or we can keep on keeping on. The only people who can do something about getting justice for us now are the people currently in power. These ‘newbies’ don’t know of our situation - and its time they did. And those ‘oldies’ that do know may have forgotten and need to be reminded.
So I’m going to suggest exactly what I suggested two years ago – please take a moment to read those early postings. Re-send. Re-write. Make noise.
Hi Suzanne. I echo what Mike is saying. Please consider resubmitting copies of the  www.spanishpropertyscandalpetition.co.uk to our new ‘Leaders’, David Cameron, Nick Clegg (with Spanish lawyer wife), William Hague (Foreign Secretary), and David Lidington (Minister for Europe). Et al.
Hi Keith. Please may we have an update re the www.bankguaranteesinspain.com petition – I know you have been very busy but just a short briefing would be valued at this point.
Hi everyone else. If you haven’t yet signed these two petitions please consider doing so NOW. In both cases, it can take anywhere between two minutes and two hours to complete depending on exactly what YOU want to say and what information YOU want to give. Please don’t put it off till tomorrow.
So, finally, let’s channel the energy that is so evident in the discussions on the Forums towards the offices and officers who need to be informed and prodded into action on our behalf. Make as much noise about it as you can. Don’t waste that energy.  It’s precious.
Above all, stay angry and don’t get depressed

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11 Jan 2011 3:14 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


no, nothing much has changed as far as justice is concerned. (9 years in June since we were robbed of our life's savings) Lots of positive talk from those with a financial interest in talking up the market. The reality is if anything worse for many because the shreds of hope kept alive by hideous delays have now been confirmed as false hopes!

As you say, we just have to make a noise as loud as possible to those who can influence change if they have the will?.  Your description of the corruption is the reality and though I hope people don't just give up, I can't really blame them?  The huge amount of evidence now available  proves more and more just how obscene the justice system really is for ignoring the plea's ffrom those so clearly cheated for so long.

Anyway, onwards and upwards. The smoking ban in Spain at least shows that common sense regulation can be introduced and from what i hear is being quite strictly adhered too?. If only we could get laws like that passed for victims of  property injustice in Spain and not just fags!

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11 Jan 2011 3:42 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Ruth - an excellent posting straight from the heart.

As you say, although your original posting was written 2 years ago, it could have been written yesterday.  However, progress has been made during those two years.  Much work has been done behind the scenes and the tide is slowly changing against the Banks in favour of the consumer.

There are now comments from Judges in First Instance Courts that can be used to back up arguments in Lawsuits against the Banks.  Also there is now Case Law from an Appeal Court which is very significant for those with or without Bank Guarantees.

But....there is still much to do.

We have just over 280 petitioners in the Bank Guarantees petition.  Since August 2010 we have had press and internet coverage and the effort in that direction is still ongoing.

We have followers on Facebook and there is a huge amount of discussion on Eye on Spain.

We also have those who are very much against our efforts.  Mr Flores for one.  He has tried to discredit the petition and has made false allegations against me and the Finca Parcs Action Group.

So we must stay focussed and channel our energies in the right direction.

The Finca Parcs Action Group Lawsuit is virtually ready for submission.  This is a very detailed dossier of evidence against both the developer and Bank for their failure to provide Bank Guarantees.  This evidence has taken 4 years to collect and the power of the group action will hopefully be significant.

In October 2010 I submitted a complaint to the Banco de España.  This was a 2 pronged attack.  My complaint amounted to 90 pages, 12 pages of which was a very detailed complaint letter.  Part of the letter was a complaint against CAM Bank, the funding bank of the Finca Parcs development and a significant part of the letter was a direct complaint against the Banco de España for their lack of supervision regarding Bank Guarantees and LEY 57/68.

I am sorry to say that they have not addressed a single point from my complaint.  They have totally ignored the complaint against them and with regards to the complaint against CAM Bank their advice was 'TAKE LEGAL ACTION'.

This we are doing.

All my Bank Guarantees & Finca Parcs work is on a voluntary basis and has to fit in around my family life and my day to day work.  It is not easy.  At times I feel like saying to hell with it all.

But, like you Ruth, I keep going.

Once our Finca Parcs Lawsuit is submitted I will once again turn my full attention to the Bank Guarantees Petition.  I intend to submit the petition during Feburary or March to all those persons/departments listed on the front page of the Petition.  I was hoping for more petitioners, but we will intitially submit with the ones we have collected so far.  There is a lot of data to collate and study.

It appears that no one in power is listening.  We cannot change the whole Spanish legal system, banking system, real estate sector overnight.  However, slowly but surely the tide is changing.  I am still passionate regarding the liability of the Banks according to LEY 57/68 and will continue to devote much of my energy in this direction.

Keep on fighting.

Kind regards




LEY 57/1968



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11 Jan 2011 4:13 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


well done once again for the fantastic amount of time effort and money you have put in to this and are stil doing! 

The reply you got from the Banco de Espana proves yet again that none of the really guilty parties are in anyway prepared to admit there crimes that alone accept responsability for all those they have cheated through their failure to comply with LEY 57/68.

We have to believe in right over wrong, and that sooner or later with enough evidence and pressure, someone in the position to make 'real' justice possible will have the courage to swim against the tide of corruption and lies and do the right thing for those so clearly wronged. If we don't believe that's possible then the crooks at all levels have won!

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