posting to the uk
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Hi Everyone, my very first thread is about posting small items to the uk, we live near Xativa on the costa blanca and the local correos charge stupid amounts for small packages.
Does anyone know a cheaper way?
I can't help but I would appreciate any info regarding this. I find it really expensive to send parcels to the UK. I was once charged 1.11 to send a couple of t shirts and 11 euros for the same package a couple of weeks later. I don't know which one was correct.
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There is a service in some local ( English ) shops round here ( Playa Flamenca ) and the mail is collected from them daily put on a plane and posted from Gatwick the next day. The last time I used it the cost was 1.50€ for an ordinary sized envelope. The idea is that 'they' guarentee rapid delivery, although having said that One of the things I posted with them took 3 weeks to get there!! I don't know who's fault that was!!
I don't think this service is cheaper that the Correos though and I don't know of any other service. When I've posted via the Correos previously I have not found it too expensive and delivery to England ( in a large size jiffy envelope), has been 3 days.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
thanks for your reply, we however are some way from you and no one here knows of anything like what is available near to you. thanks for you help though.
Correos have a tariff here, which should be the same for every office. if they try charging differently, they're cheating you!
From this, I deduce that to send a normal package to the UK (Zone A) should cost you €2.69 per kg, which seems pretty reasonable? In my experience, delivery is usually within a few days. Coming the other way is a different story.
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