Cosmo. It is a big decision to come and live in Spain with your family...and today..unfortunately the facts are that the goalposts have moved from that of years past.
Obviously, the first point of contact to look at is the Euro. And its demise. (1.50) to as low as £1/1euro.
Secondly work. As in Britain..and the rest of the in Spain has dried up and the unemployment rate has risen dramatically.
So, without all the doom and gloom (not my doing) let's look at a few positive pointers.
Spain can be an enjoyable experience..but there are pitfalls to look out everywhere else.
Action points are to do your homework..and don't kid others in the past have and are now paying the consequences...packed job up in UK..moved to Spain,,now jobless, skint, gone back to Britain, nowhere to live in the UK, house for sale in Spain (can't sell) - dream shattered.
Make sure that you don't burn all your bridges, and don't quit your job (lucky to have one) and come searching for one in Spain (believe me, you will be vey lucky to get one at this time)
I know Polop and it is a very nice area. But ask yourself, will you find work here in Spain? Even if it is only for 6 months...and then go back to the UK to pick up the pieces.
Sorry that this sounds negative..but from what I have seen other people is fact.
I tell it as is is, despite knockings by others for my comments. I live in the real world..not the 'dream world'
Good Luck.