I know there have been plenty of threads on this subject, the main problems have been
a) barbeques massively overpriced
b) most have "flat" top not semi circular
what i didnt realise was that what they are actually made out of is important in regard to the weather and rust etc.
I was going to get an outback model and whilst this is a great name it is apparently useless in that it will rust in 3 months whilst a broilking wont!
a client of mine whom i am quite happy to recommend will sort all and have delivered in spain
see www.bedsbbq.co.uk
mention where you saw the email address and he will throw in a free cover, shipping to spain is generally weight based but he tells me it is around £60-70.
price wise he is well under the standard uk outlets pricewise so even with the cost of shipping it should work out the same which will still mean a saving of 25-35% over spansih prices.