At last, a scandal we Brits can be proud of. Nope, not those theiving politicos this time but :
BRUSSELS sprouts have been banned from a Plymouth-based warship with its captain describing them as the “devil’s vegetable”.
Now this really is a cause for debate. I reckon that, apart from Marmite, nothing else divides our nation and pits brother against brother than the Brussels sprout. You either love them or loathe them. For some, like the warship captain, an evil tasting and smelly thing that does unmentionable things to the ermmm.. nether regions, shall we say. To others, a traditional vegetable that is de rigeur at all feasts, especially Christmas.
So let's stop talking about the politicians (either home-grown or on the EU gravy train) and the scandals in the Spanish property market. This is the debate to end all debates.
Love em? Loathe em? This could be the start of another Civil War.
Personally? I suppose it all depends on the way the wind blows (sorry).