at the moment the case is no longer at the Marbella Courts (Juzgado de Instrucción nº 5) because the judge has finished the investigation stage, now it is at the Audienca Provincial de Málaga (=Malaga High Court) for trial. However, in contrast to the Marbella Court, the High Court is much slower: although the case arrived in November to Málaga, it is now (two days ago) when a judge hasbeen appointed to deal with it exclusively. It is a complex matter, as there are more than 62 appeals against the decision to open the trial stage, and on top of that, the appeals of those in prison have got priority. Apparently more than 130 solicitors are also acting on behalf of people with accounts or properties frozen or seized by the courts.
We have some clients involved (with their accounts frozen) and after much liaison we have managed that the judge agrees to open a "pieza separada",which is a separate proceeding to discuss the "unfreezing" of the moneys. This will make things more speedy, as it is a nightmare to be mixed with the other people involved.
Anyway, the process is likely to take 2 more years, along with the appeal at the Supreme COurt (3 more years), therefore I would not watit until the end in order to claim any refund. Should anyone be interested, please send a private message.
Fairway Laywers