A few hours a week?.......
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Hi All,
I need someone else in the office for a few hours a week.....if you have any sales experience or are good at chatting to people then PM me for more details...
Thanks in advance.......
_______________________ www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk
still here after all these years!
Thanks Justin,
Its not that far....a good bike ride maybe... .
I think we must be in a parallel universe at the moment,i can't understand it or explain it, but there are not enough hours in the day for us at the moment.
I know there are some really cheap properties around at the moment but we are as busy now as we were in the boom years!!!!
long may it continue for everyone........
_______________________ www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk
still here after all these years!
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