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Advice needed please, we are about to move out to Spain 1st March and have just downloaded skype which we have never used before, my questions are: if we bought the following telephone whilst in England would it be ok for Spain,
Taken from their advert: RTX Dualphone 3088 - The only phone you need to make Skype and landline calls. - The RTX Dualphone is an all-in-one solution for Skype and landline calls. This phone is future proof - with built-in Skype software, integral speakerphone, cordless functionality and award-winning design.
Also any advice please as I feel at the moment I am not sure what I am doing.
Diane and Stan
Diane and Stan 
The straight answer her is NO. Any phone has to have an operator base, so it will have to be changed to Spanish, if it is mobile or landline.
The only way I can see a phone like this working is through wifi, but I cannot verify this.
Hi Daine
Jencoo is wrong here is the reason I say this
I use skype daily here in Spain and have a maxfield dualphone which has a plug in dongle I bought it from ebay for £21, I dont have a landline so purely use it for skype calls, it means I can sit on the sofa and take a skype call
though the majority of time I take calls on my computer because I can see the caller, you can't accept calls on the phone if you answer them on your computer so beware of that, you can buy an external mike for around 3€ and if you have a good webcam you dont need much else , PAYG is the cheapest option unless you are calling the UK daily, pm me if you want to test your skype and I wil let you have my skype name
Hurchillo which I know is part of the lovely city or Orihuela I dont live too far from there, hope ths has helped you, enjoy your move
Great Auntie Linda
Hi Diane and Stan
You don't need the skype phone to use skype.
It's great - if the person you want to talk to is on their computer at the same time as you and has downloaded skype then you can call them for free via your computer (we have bought headphones with a speaker attached as this cuts out background sound).
Or you can call a landline or a mobile anywhere in teh world using skype and it's very cheap compared to other ways of calling. You just need to top up your account - a bit like pay as you go mobiles - and away you go.
If you need any further help on this let me know - we use skype every day and have managed to help several technophobes set it up too!
With regard to skype. Pay as you go is ok but if you pay a yearly subscription of 50e you can call anywhere in europe 24/7 free. We use this all the while. No Phone bills!! you also get a landline number in the uk so people that dont have skype can call a local number(yours) and only get charged local rates.
Skype is very good I use it here., but when in Spain with a Sogotel cordless phone about £35 in UK, the base plugs into the USB socket.
I looked at dual phones but was put off when it was pointed out to me that you can only take one call at a time even though it is dual.
In Spain we can both be on the phone if needed i.e. landline and Skype at the same time, normally happens when the children ring, they find one engaged and ring on the other.
Many phones that work in the UK do work in Spain (but not all) the phone socket in Spain is the smaller phone jack compared to the UK bigger flatter one. I have used a PC model cable which has the two small plugs one at each end these are often RJ11 connectors.

Pictures shows UK Phone connector, the other end that goes into the phone is the RJ11 type connector.
Here is some info you might find useful:
1. The RTX Dualphone3088 does not require a PC and is connected by its base station straight into the Broadband Router. Therefore you must have Broadband - WiFi is no use on its own.
2. If you wish to also connect the 3088 to a landline, you will require a European phone plug - yours will almost certainly have a BT type. This is not difficult as an adaptor is readiliy available in good Electronic outlets.
3. The RTX 3088 does not have video functionality which is available when SKYPE is used from most modern PC's which have built in webcam and microphone.
Conclusion: If you intend to connect to Telefonica's landline and Broadband service, then the 3088 is the only phone you will need. If you are not , then get a GSM broadband dongle, connect it to your PC and use this to make SKYPE calls.
How do I know all this. I use the 3088 at home here in Ireland. In Spain where Broadband is hard to get other than from Telefonica the GSM dongle will suffice. Make sure coverage from the GSM provider is good in your area before purchasing the broadband dongle. Shops won't refund if it fails in the location where you wish to use it.
However, if neither of these options is is a runner there is a further option: Find yourself a WiFi compliant laptop and a public WIFi area and SKYPE away. I have done this once or twice, but I have to admit the call quality wan't the best.
Hope this info is of use.
Best Regards
Ken Gleeson
Thank you all for all the replies which has given us food for thought, it's all looking a lot clearer now, I think we will probably go down the phone route, like the idea of one phone does all, dual phone 3088 as it seems quite easy to use and set up. Once again thanks to all, what would we do without eye on spain?
Diane and Stan
Diane and Stan 
More help needed again please, I have just purchased a Dualphone 3088, my question is would I be able to do the first time start up here in England i.e 1. reset the base station, 2 find preferred language, 3 confirm selection, 4 skype agreement, 5 country settings, 6 confirm country code, etc etc then take it out to Spain and change the settings, also if I were to take out the yearly subscription would that continue also in Spain, hope this all makes sense, sorry but we really are techno phobics, just thought it would be a good idea to get used to it first. Thanks in anticipation,
Diane and Stan
Diane and Stan 
Hi Diane
You can set up the RTX3088 in the UK and when you go to Spain you should only have to change the country setting from UK (-0044 ) to Spain (-0034). Remember you will need Broadband to use it.
Not sure about whether the annual subscription will be the same for Spain as for the UK. I use pay-as-you-go, its simpler.
In any event I'd suggest that you leave the Annual Subscription matter until you are enconced in Spain and have the thing up and running. You need to know what your call pattern is going to be when you get there to see if you require this feature.
Also bear in mind that if a lot of incoming calls will be coming from people in the UK (who are not Skype registered) you might like to get a UK Skype telephone no. This will mean that these people calling you in Spain from an ordinary landline phone in the UK will only have to pay UK local/trunk call rates. Your friends will appreciate that. A Skype no costs €57.50 - (GBP52.00approx) - per annum, including VAT.
Hope this info helps
Best Regards
Ken Gleeson
Thank you very much for your reply Ken, we are now up and running, I did as you suggested and just paid for a month, that will give me time to get used to it before our move.
Once again thanks,
Diane and Stan
Diane and Stan 