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Soy... un hombre

Vivo en... Marbella

Trabajo de... Lawyer

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Antonio Flores Abogado/Lawyer Reg nº4712 (Malaga Bar Association) ...

A. Flores's latest forum comments

07 Oct 2009 12:42 PM:

Janne and Kalinowski,

It should come as no surprise that in this site you cannot recommend any other lawyer than Castro/Costaluz, because otherwise you are advertising. But try recommending Castro/Costaluz! This site is an pseudo legal-gossip advice centre empty of valuable content where one lawyer chases every unsuspecting potential with the assistance of Justin and Susan, the onwers, hoping to land a good legal work instruction which is then divvied up.

Thread: Aldea Advisors

04 Aug 2009 10:50 AM:

Hello Myra Cecilia,

It´s good you clarified your post of the 3rd of August as there is no such thing as GROUP ACTION in a bankrupcy procedure quite simply because there is no need (same procedure, same Judge, same debtor), although the same lawyer can deal with several cases, of course, as with any other case.

And with respect to minimising costs a lawyer can charge as little as he proposes to do, but it´s the results that count...


09 May 2009 6:29 PM:

It is possible to recoup funds from ACC-Zurich with due pressure and Court action. I personally collected 36 checks totalling 2.5 million Euros last Thursday in the offices of the above company, in Madrid (Orense 80). The story is explained elsewere but I can say that YES, our clients who bought at Lar Sol have ALL, but one (for lack of POA) received their monies plus interest, pending clearance of bankers drafts and remittance of funds.

Thread: Bank guarantees. Any successes?

27 Apr 2009 4:35 PM:

I am unsure as to this but will try to find out.

Thread: Snagging !!!

27 Apr 2009 3:52 PM:

Dear Team GB,

I have not been able to reply earlier, sorry for that.

You can find out the value of your property by going to the following:


Kind regards


Thread: Snagging !!!


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El Patio de Dona Julia

Terrazas de Torreblanca

A. Flores' blogs

Timeshare scam in the Malaga Courts
"After 6 years of investigations (yes, 6) Fuengirola Courts finally orders the case against the main timeshare fraudsters to be heard in the Malaga Courts. "
Last Updated: 9/3/2008 9:30:53 AM
Lifetime Views: 11156

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