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03 Aug 2009 12:00 AM by myra cecilia Star rating in Manilva Malaga. 213 posts Send private message


Aifos . This advice was obtained this morning from a long standing friend and a lawyer who specializes in these unfortunate cases.
Aifos declared bankrupt and published in the BOE. 31st July. 2009
First step for anyone who has bought with aifos and have not acquired the property paid for is to take out a lawsuit and reclaim the amount owed to you. This must be carried out within on month of declaration of bankruptcy.  This can be done by a group or individually with a specialist lawyer.
Aifos have two months to list their creditors and for the administrators to list all of the company’s assets.
They can extend this to three months if they ask the courts for an extension.
The creditors entitled to claim and in what order of preference.
1.       Banks
2.       Hacienda (tax authorities) and the ministry of social security.
3.       Creditors, purchasers whom are in the majority.
4.       Staff and members of the company Aifos.


Myra Cecilia.

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04 Aug 2009 12:12 AM by myra cecilia Star rating in Manilva Malaga. 213 posts Send private message

So that there is no misunderstanding, by a group I mean using the same lawyer as a group to minimise costs. In spain court action has to be taken by an individual


Myra Cecilia.

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04 Aug 2009 10:48 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message

Hi myra

so I assume until the figures come out about just what Aifos's assets are worth compared to the amount being claimed by creditors, we wont know where we stand with regards to geting any  money back?  Or is there a way of finding that out before we all just throw 1200e in?

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04 Aug 2009 10:50 AM by A. Flores Star rating in Marbella. 54 posts Send private message

Hello Myra Cecilia,

It´s good you clarified your post of the 3rd of August as there is no such thing as GROUP ACTION in a bankrupcy procedure quite simply because there is no need (same procedure, same Judge, same debtor), although the same lawyer can deal with several cases, of course, as with any other case.

And with respect to minimising costs a lawyer can charge as little as he proposes to do, but it´s the results that count...

Antonio Flores Abogado/Lawyer Reg nº4712 (Malaga Bar Association) ...

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04 Aug 2009 12:12 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

Michael Joseph wrote and published two books - "The Conveyancing Fraud" and "Lawyers can seriously damage your Health".

The reason he had to publish them himself was that the "Lawyers" closed ranks on the system to ensure that no other publisher would publish them.

Despite reading them I was still naive enough to believe that "Power of Attorney" was a strict government controlled method of allowing others to act for you with every protection and rigid duty of care in place. I trusted my young English lawyer working for an International firm with that power.

To my astonishment and dismay he allowed that power to be used to exchange contracts with no finance in place, he then promptly resigned when I pointed out his actions were more than wrong, but actually insane.

Given that all lawyers had full knowledge  of what was going on in Spain yet did nothing about it through their own "discipline system", why should they now be trusted with more of your money?????????.

It is the lawyers who facilitated these frauds and they did it in full knowledge as part of the conspiratorial group. IT COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED AT ALL WITHOUT THEIR ACTIVE PARTICIPATION.

Now to my mind that makes them the architects of the mischief, yet you are asked to trust them with your endless supply of money to feed them to provide you with justice. That also appears to me to be insane.

As to your position in the funds ladder a snow ball in hell comes to mind, but of course your "brilliant" lawyer would have guaranteed that for you wont he??????????

Regards in sorrow.


N. Sands

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