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22 Dec 2011 8:58 AM:

Maybe the Brit Embassy in Manama closed on advice from HM Government who had allowed the supply of riot gear to the Bahraini Security Forces. Who on earth did they think the Bahraini's were going to use it on if not their own people. No wonder they scarpered when the locals were getting a battering from their protectors. But then that is another story.....

If the tutty does hit the fan I can imagine hoards of expats wading into the sea off Puerto Banus, balancing Dunnes carrier bags on their heads, fighting to get onto HM warships. Dunkirk spirit and all that...

Fleas Navidog, wherever you are....



Thread: Expats to be 'rescued' from Spain and Portugal!!!!

21 Dec 2011 11:03 AM:

I know what you meant. I was just being a facetious jerk :-)

Renminbi...??? I suppose they pronounce is Lenminbi....

See, there I go again.

Actually I did not know about the Renminbi. I guess we all refer to it as being the Yuan.

Thanks. I have learded sumfink nu 2day.


Thread: Expats to be 'rescued' from Spain and Portugal!!!!

21 Dec 2011 10:27 AM:

It was said with a question mark....HaHa.


Thread: Expats to be 'rescued' from Spain and Portugal!!!!

21 Dec 2011 9:57 AM:

When did the Chinese start using the Yen? Maybe I missed the Japanese swapping with the Yuan.

The British have always had contingency plans. Wherever in the world there is a British Embassy or Consulate, there will be some form of contingency plan to evacuate the tax dodgers. I work in an Arabic country and although it is the richest country in the world, (So it must be safe yes?),  the British Embassy still have a contingency plan to evacuate all the Brits should things in the region go A over T.

We still have our Island mentality, thank God. Baden Powell was telling us for years to "Be Prepared". The guys at the Foreign Office, when not writing spy thrillers, do have a job to do and drafting contingency plans and stuff is just tickety boo right down their street, don't ya know, blimey charlie.

The FO will not accept my spanish address as being my place of abode. I have to give them a UK address and no chance of a drop off at Madrid.

Well, must go. Have to put another barrel of oil on the fire. It's a chilly 24C.

Stay Calm. Keep Smiling...


(Whispered)..... I bet the yanks have a contingency plan to evacuate all US nationals from Spain...... via UK.

Thread: Expats to be 'rescued' from Spain and Portugal!!!!


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Two Pints Of Lager And A Falafal Please
"Living between Middle East and Middle Earth. Home in Spain. Job in Middle East. Spiritual home 7 miles south east of Old Trafford."
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