04 Jul 2009 2:11 AM:
Hi All,
I know for a fact that the lady in question left MRI and joined up with the owner of furniture direct worldwide, the reason was to grow the business of FDW into a rental and furniture arm.
She introduced RRP to The On Holiday Group and that gave them the sales tools to sell to us lot. This was by all accounts a success and she took it to where she wanted to go. She then left and set up her own company Key Lounges of whom recommended both RRP and FDW, why? Because she was involved with them all, and was also on the payroll.
The lady in question and the Ex MRI Director are also good friends of the owner of The On Holdiay Group, so it is unlikely they will be willing to answer our questions.
RRP had boiler room style sales offices in Fuengirola and paid sales staff handsome commissions to sell a none existant rental package, of which the lady in question had set up and subsequently has benefitted handsomely.
The owner of FDW was an ex director or MRI who stole the data base and used it to scam 100s poss 1000s out of money. The owner of FDW recently closed the company and has gone to ground hiding with the money he had made from both FDW and RRP and the courts of Spain as he is also wanted for data theft.
Other companies involved that have also vanished are Gloavista Red and European Mediation, was she involved with them, i dont know.
Key Lounges also use the MRI databse illegally and are also under investigation for data theft and I imagine it will not be to long before they and the lady in question disappear also.
You may wonder how I know this, I have recently got to know someone very well who used to work for MRI and informed me of this after I had told them what had happened to me.
Regardless of what the lady in question tells us, she is ultimatley responsible as she is the one who set the company up in the first place, she has also lived off of our hard earnt money that we have paid to RRP.
On a final note I am going back to Fuengirola soon as I have heard that key lounges HQ is now in or near the same offices as RRP, so I will be paying them a visit together with my Spanish Lawyer and the police.
In Spain there is also something called a Denuncia (I am sure you know anyway) what we should do is denounce key lounges for their involvement with RRP and demand our money back from them. I will be issuing mine when I go over!
Heard of Ready Rental Property???