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30 Nov 2024 3:21 PM:


Many thanks for that information, which is somewhat different from my previous understanding.

As you will be aware border control at the airport do not stamp my passport, however I suppose they could randomly select me for further investigation.

My wife only travels with me over the winter period and we return to the UK for a couple of weeks over Christmas and New Year. We return to Spain in early January until mid February. Thereafter my wife will not return to Spain until October.

Thread: Query on the 90 day rule

29 Nov 2024 11:21 PM:

Sorry to bring this up, as it may have been discussed before I joined the forum. I have an Irish passport but my wife has a British passport only. We are non residents and own a property in Spain. I have been told that if my wife is travelling with me those days do not count to the 90 days. Is this the case?

Thread: Query on the 90 day rule

29 Nov 2024 11:11 PM:


Many thanks for taking the time to reply. I understand your point that I am still a UK resident, even though I am an EU citizen. On that basis I won't bother to follow this up. As you say, for the sake of a few Euros it's not worth the hastle. 

Thread: Passport Change

28 Nov 2024 10:47 PM:

I need to notify of a change to my passport.

I now have replaced my British passport with an Irish passport. Therefore I am now classified as a European Citizen. I can now get a reduction in my annual non resident tax from 24% to 19%. Do I just notify Agenia Tributaria of the change?

Thread: Passport Change


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