¿Quien es JeremyBoyle?

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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Solicitor and founding partner of Welbeck Law LLP

Vivo en... London

Me gusta... Collecting Community Fees

Trabajo de... Solicitor specialising in debt recovery and insolvency.

Mi firma en el foro es...

Partner. Welbeck Law LLP www.welbecklawllp.co.uk Tel:  +44 207 467 3999

JeremyBoyle's latest forum comments

14 Jan 2014 4:57 PM:

Dear All,

Happy New Year to you all/Feliz ano nuevo.

I am a Solicitor and the Managing Partner of Welbeck Law LLP and I specialise in debt recovery, insolvency and commercial litigation. We are a firm of solicitors based in central London and we are regulated and authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. We are not a debt collection agency and there is a world of difference between the two. Please see my other blogs in this regard.

It was my firm that acted for the petitioning creditor which led to Kettlewell Solutions Limited (KSL), a firm of unregulated debt collectors, being placed into compulsory liquidation by the High Court in December 2013.

Welbeck Law LLP are now assisting former communities to recover the debts and their files from KSL.

I have read the blog below posted by Maria L. de Castro. As I am a Solicitor of the Supreme Court qualified in England and Wales, I think it would be wrong for me to comment on Spanish law.

I have however read with interest the leading legal text on the Horizontal Property Act 49/1960 written by specialist Abogado Feliz Lopez. Within his book entitled "Commonhold Law in Spain" Señor Lopez specifically refers to the same European Regulation which my firm uses when we bring legal proceedings against community debtors who do not pay.

All I can say is that in my view, as a solicitor the Regulation works well and we have sent thousands of euros of debts collected, to the many communities who desperately need this money collected in.

I regret that I will not be able to respond to individual queries but details of my firm's community fee debt collection service, is available on our website.

I hope the above is of assistance.



This message was last edited by JeremyBoyle on 14/01/2014.
Thread: Community Fees and Debt Recovery Problems


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JeremyBoyle' blogs

When is a Solicitor not a Solicitor?
"A general discussion about community fees and legal issues."
Last Updated: 11/21/2013 12:25:56 PM
Lifetime Views: 37986

Seminar on Community Fee Debt Collection
"This is hopefully a helpful blog to Community Presidents about a seminar being run on Tuesday 29th April 2014 at College of Administrators in Malaga. It will concentrate on the use of European Law to help collect in your community's debts to try and ensure your communities stay solvent."
Last Updated: 4/27/2014 5:14:59 PM
Lifetime Views: 2887

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