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02 Sep 2014 9:07 PM:

Thank god they are free and on the way to see their son . Well done Spain for reacting so quickly 

Thread: Ashya King

02 Sep 2014 4:47 PM:

David Cameron has stepped in and the arrest warrant is to be revoked . It must be done by the Spanish court according to press sources .

What an incredible example of people power , one small boy unites  people from everywhere .....

Thread: Ashya King

02 Sep 2014 2:10 PM:

With all due respect to fellow posters who have a variety of opinions on the rights or wrongs of the actions of the parents ..Guys ...please a small boy is lying in hospital dying surrounded by armed police , his parents are incarcerated by a judge who doesn't know what to do  for fear of upsetting the British authorities .


Can we focus on the dying child and get his parents to his bedside as fast as possible .


Sometimes humanity outweighs legality 



Thread: Ashya King

01 Sep 2014 10:38 PM:

I am utterly disgusted at the behaviour of the UK authorities and Southampton hospital . There is a small boy laying alone in a hospital whilst his parents sit in a jail cell. If any human on this forum finds this acceptable then I abandon hope of my race .


have we forgotten basic humanity , have we abandoned principles ..... Whatever perceived crime these people are alleged to have commited pale into insignificance in the light of the child's needs , he needs his parents with him now not in 72 hours . Does he have 72 hours ?

Spain has an opportunity to free the parents to be with their child the analysis of the rights or wrongs can wait .

Thread: Ashya King

31 Aug 2014 5:45 PM:

As usual the needs of the child and the parents were plAced second to the budgetary controls in the Uk. If a viable treatment method is avaliable and proven to be better than the cheaper treatment then the needs of the citizen must outweigh the cost .


i think it's a bloody disgrace to the UK how these parents who clearly love their child enough to take this action have been  demonised by the police and the press . Since when do the police have any knowledge of this child's condition? They and I mean the U.K authorities have acted in haste . 

One thing is clear if as a country we are so poor we cannot offer the best healthcare to our sick we have disgraced ourselves and those who fought for the health service .

Thread: Ashya King


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