¿Quien es Spondicious?

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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... I create digital content - for the web and books

Vivo en... Sta Cristina d'Aro, Girona

Trabajo de... new media consultant

Mi firma en el foro es...

David Allen Wizardgold - Artist, Writer, Photographer and video maker.

Spondicious's latest forum comments

19 Dec 2008 12:00 AM:

The latest podcast from BravaChat has been posted and is ready for download. Have a listen to the interview with Brian Buchanan from Glasgow/Edinburgh. We chat about getting work in Girona teaching English, a previous English teaching job in Japan and his Sudoku inspired Tee shirts.

Brian also chooses the music for a radio show that is aired in Scotland - LeithFM. His show is the A900 show that airs Leith time 10pm til 12 A900 SHOW or listen on FM 98.8

Thread: BravaChat Podcast Number Six

03 Dec 2008 12:00 AM:

I have just posted a new podcast, a video podcast this time on Spondicious Photography. This one is about dealing with open paths in Illustrator so that the images I send in don't get rejected by the micro stock photograpy sites for this technical problem. The previous podcast was an interview with a Australian guy living in Argentina off his micro stock photography business. He says how great it is to have a non location specific income, so that he can live where he wants to.

Although I just sell my photos and illustrations right now I have bought a video camera and intend to get going in that direction too. One site also will sell Flash and audio files for you.

I have to tell you that the income is proportional to your skill with creating photos that sell and the size of your portfolio, but if you are patient then there is income available. Good luck

Thread: For the creative type

26 Nov 2008 11:14 AM:

Nice one Foxbat - I was laughing my socks off with the video you posted about Yorkshire airlines and as I did live in Leeds for four years I can atest to the basis for the jokes. Some Yorkies think you need a passprt to leave Yorkshire.

Yorkshire was a great place to live and I really must visit Leeds again some day. Probably changed out of all recognition but ....

Thread: Golf Valley

26 Nov 2008 12:00 AM:

This is a group that meets each Wednesday in Giron in the cafe of Hotel Carlemany in the centre of Girona. A friendly bunch of people. I have only visited twice and both times I found the people to be great to talk to and easy to get on with. There were a range of people there and a wide age range. The English speaking peoples included Americans, a Catalan and a German.

Some of the people have been in Girona for many many years and so have a wealth of experience that can be useful to new people.

Coming up is an event in December which will raise some money for charity the details of which should be on the Girona Grapevine web site. There is a link on BravaChat if you can't get it from Google.

Thread: Girona Grapevine

26 Nov 2008 10:44 AM:

I used to be able to get Marmite here and now the shops only have Bovril which is a no no for vegetarians.

Malt loaf by Soreen - I brought four of them back on my last trip to England.

Jam Doughnuts once in a while.

Probably a few other things given time to think about it more.



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Living & working in Spain - Particularly the Costa Brava and Catalonia
"Audio and video podcasting on what it is like to live and work in the region of Catalonia. Podcasts about events in the area and interviews with the residents of the Costa Brava and Catalonia."
Last Updated: 5/5/2014 12:18:55 PM
Lifetime Views: 28423

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