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Tom137's latest forum comments

25 Aug 2022 6:07 PM:

Hi I'm new to this forum but have found lots of good information so far. Thanks very much. I would like to ask if anyone has used a notary rather than a solicitor to do a Spanish will for  property in Spain only. If so, do you just make an appointment or drop in to notary office and is it a case of filling out forms yourself and then get it authenticated by notary or does notary do everything. Any info would be great thanks. We are in the Almeria area and just use property for holidays only.


Thread: Spanish Will for Non Resident property owner

25 Aug 2022 5:58 PM:

Do you drop off at the airport? Parking charges?

or do you park at site and they provide shuttle service?

undercover or open air


Thread: Long term Airport parking

20 Aug 2022 11:25 AM:


any information on long term parking at Alicante Airport parking please, names of firms, drop off any hidden charges etc

Thread: Long term Airport parking

19 Aug 2022 9:32 AM:

What's the company name?

Thread: Long term Airport parking

13 Aug 2022 1:27 PM:

Quite right pre Brexit rules you could spend up to 180 days continually, we watched mike and Yvonne Between the lakes, like so many British visitors mostly in winter upto 180 days, but like all holiday home buyers the new post Brexit rules are not why they brought, Spanish in UK continual 180 days, but it's only right for EU to apply those rules to 3rd countries, hence lot's of UK home owner's sold, Spain liked this as it generated a lot of tax sales, Rules change and we need to adapt, no it's not fair reciprocally, The mentality of EU is what it is..

Thread: Very few British property buyers.


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