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Woollyjumper's latest forum comments

05 Oct 2013 8:19 AM:

Jenno, you are correct. We live close to los dolses, and our address is ...........Orihuela Costa 03189, Alicante, Spain. Obviously i haven't included our actual street name. This address was given to us a few years ago by the town hall, before that we used to use Villamartin, but this sometimes caused confusion as there is a place called Villamartin in another area of spain miles away from here. I have never heard of origuela. I think they are trying it on. Tell them you will report then to trading standards or watchdog or something, maybe that will spur them on to giving you your refund. It is very frustrating when things go wrong! Good luck.

Thread: Origuela costa

15 May 2013 9:32 AM:

Easey peasy. You should be able to get a list of DDs from your current bank, take this to Barclays and they do it all for you. Dont close your old bank until you know all the DDs have gone through and when they have, close your old account. We had no problems at all....but dont quote me on this....after all this is Spain! The staff speak English and are quite helpful. You can aso do online banking as well. Marlene.

Thread: Lloyds international Bank

14 May 2013 10:36 PM:

Hi, There is a Branch of Barclays on the Orihuela Costa at La Campana Commercial Centre which is near the Punta Prima Commercial Centre,  La Campana is on the 332.  It is where Medesthetics,, Prima Dentists and Style House Furnishing are.  they also have a cash machine outside.  The only drawback with Barclays is that some cash machines want to charge you for withdrawing your money so you need to be careful when using an ATM and check before withdrawing your money.  The Bank Inter Machine opposite the Town Hall doesn't charge for withdrawals.  Marlene

Thread: Lloyds international Bank

13 May 2013 11:03 PM:

My partners has a Barclays account here on the Orihuela Costa and they don't charge for a bank account and they pay you interest, albeit a small amount, on your account.  I currently have a LLoyds account, but if Sabadell charge 8 euros a month I will definitely be changing to Barclays.  Marlene

Thread: Lloyds international Bank

23 May 2012 4:56 PM:

It a pity they can't tell me by post, it would be much easier! Will try an find an interpreter. Thanks for your reply. M.

Thread: Juzgados - Servicio Común de Actos de Communicacion - what is this communication?


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Two Poodles living in Spain
"The daily lives of two poodles living in Spain. We are a Black Standard Poodle (Grande Caniche) called Dudley and a Cream Standard Poodle called Monica. We were born in a village in the mountains of Andalusia and now live on the Orihuela Costa in Spain. Monica is 4 years old and Dudley is 1. (This blog is in memory of Buddy, one of the original TPLIS who sadly was put to sleep on 27th December 2010)."
Last Updated: 6/25/2012 10:27:05 PM
Lifetime Views: 125280

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