Hi, we have just received the above. Does anyone know what it is. I think it could be something to with going to court. Do I need to get a solicitor? It doesn't give any information on what it is about, how can I find out what it refers to. The date to appear is 6th June, so it is not that far away.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Marlene
Numero de Registro del S.C.N.E. 2913/12
En virtud de 10 acordado por este Servicio SE CIT A A USTED para que
cornparezca en la SALA DE NOTIFICACIONES de los Juzgados de Orihuela, sita en
Plaza Santa Lucia - Palacio de Justicia - 3a. Planta, a fin de practicar la diligencia
acordada en el expediente del S.C.A.C. arriba resefiado, debiendo presentar el presente
Debe cornparecer en el siguiente plazo:
DIA: 6 de JUNIO de 2012
HORA: 9.30 a 12 horas