spanish workers going to the uk for work

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20 May 2012 2:30 PM by bob.dunford6 Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

 reading the free post the courier today.jeanette erath has wrote that hundreds of spanish workers who have found they cannot find work in spain have gone to the with cameron making all these cut backs and thousands in the uk will be out of work .it rose a question.they tell me that the eu makes the rules and no country can turn them if they come to the uk find no work, they will have to live off benifit .which is much higher then the old age pension which old age pensioners have paid in for all their lives.their is now hundreds of chinese.russian polish.greek portugese.and many more countries living over their who cannot find work and are living of bebifit, where the uk has to find them a home furniture electricity.gas. clothing.and money in their pockets.,now if this is all true how long can the uk last.and why does our goverment ask the eu to pay for all this benifit after all it is their ruling..i went over their two weeks ago and was amazed how many people are ot of work how can we keep on taking them in. 

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20 May 2012 5:51 PM by Abyss_Rover Star rating in Mallorca. 72 posts Send private message

Obviously the entire eu and the eurozone systems are seriously floored.

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21 May 2012 9:27 AM by 66d35 Star rating. 243 posts Send private message

In fact, the EU rules are clear on this. You do not have an absolute right to simply turn up in a country and claim benefits indefinitely. You are supposed to have adequate resources. Now... for whatever reason, while Spain and many other countries do take some steps to enforce this, the UK seemingly does not. That is their choice, of course, but don't blame the "EU" for it. Blame the authorties in the UK who let it happen.

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21 May 2012 9:41 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Just a thought but it might be worth taking a look at the thread titled Your voice in Europe......

This message was last edited by ads on 21/05/2012.

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21 May 2012 12:37 PM by summer70 Star rating in Granada. 92 posts Send private message

summer70´s avatar

are living of benefit, where the uk has to find them a home furniture electricity.gas. clothing.and money in their pockets.

I do wish that those who spread this false information, either in newspapers or down the local pub, would get their facts straight.

When someone goes to the UK to live, before they can sign on for benefits (or work for that matter) they have to provide proof of address. For those moving to the UK for under 6 months, if they are sick they are covered for emergency treatment, but no benefits.  In the case of those moving to the UK permanently, in order to claim emtitlement to benefits and National Health treatment (without paying), they have to be able to prove they have lived in the country 6 months. This usually means providing bills in their name and address or a rental agreement.

For those wishing to apply for local authority, or local housing association accomodation,  they have to prove homelessness to go to the top of what used to be called the housing list, but is now based upon a needs system.  For many local authorities, this means the housing claimant has to provide proof of homelessness, for instance, a notice to quit from a landlord which has reached fulfillment, or a letter from a housing refuge or similar. Living with another family member will not be enough to prove homelessness, unless that family member can themselves prove that their own accomodation is seriously overcrowded.

Once the claimant has managed to get onto the benefits system and has the offer of housing, they may be able to claim for a loan from the Social Fund to help with payment of furniture.  This has to be paid back in weekly increments from their benefits and will be taken automatically at source. It is not free.

As for clothing, gas and electricity, the claimant will be expected to pay for this out of their benefit (if JSA, this is 67.50 per week).  They will not get extra help with this, unless they can claim a special need, as in the case of someone on Incapacity Benefit who also receives Severe Disablement Allowance and or Disability Living Allowance.  The latter two require severe disability (for instance, if the person is blind or requires constant care).

And to to put things the other way around, here is an ongoing case of a Spanish student who fell seriously ill in the UK.
Una joven granadina lleva mes y medio en coma en Inglaterra

In English
Spanish student in coma after brain haemorrhage

She was given emergency treatment for a brain haemorrhage, but now her family are being asked to pay for the remainder of her treatment and so that she can be repatriated back home.

The UK may be an easier option than some countries, but the claims system is not as soft as some would like to make out.

No me lo puedo creer! Living in Spain as an Expat.

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21 May 2012 6:30 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

Well someone should tell the jobcentre staff ! On another forum a lady helps spanish friends /neighbours who go to the uk looking for work & the 1st thing they are told is " do you know what benefits you can claim ? "  Have you made a claim & if not we will help you"

This is before they have been shown any vacancies !

Most go because they want to work But if they are offered benefits they aren't going to turn them down , are they ?

at least 50k spaniards found work in the uk in the 6 months up until december.

The uk jobless went down by 45k last month , it does make you wonder how many more it could have gone down by.

If all these eu citizens can go to the uk & obtain work then why haven't the jobs already been filled by the UK's own jobless ? Probably because the level of benefits they receive is too much to make it worthwhile !!


Todos somos Lorca.

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21 May 2012 11:57 PM by summer70 Star rating in Granada. 92 posts Send private message

summer70´s avatar

Well someone should tell the jobcentre staff ! On another forum a lady helps spanish friends /neighbours who go to the uk looking for work & the 1st thing they are told is " do you know what benefits you can claim ? "  Have you made a claim & if not we will help you"

This is before they have been shown any vacancies !

If people go to a Job Centre they are usually looking for work because they haven't got work, otherwise it is very unlikely they will be granted an interview. Although anyone is able to access the job search desks.

As part of the interview the Job Centre Advisor has to ascertain whether the person they are advising is eligible for benefits and help them make a claim.  But that doesn't mean they will get them.


No me lo puedo creer! Living in Spain as an Expat.

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22 May 2012 8:57 AM by bob.dunford6 Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

 and most of these lmagrants .who cannot find work and getting benifits three times more money then our old age pansioneres recieve.are sending some of the money back home to suppoert their families.whicxh i done blame them but how can you run a country like this.british economy has only one way to go down.if this is eu law then the cost of these benifits should be paid by the eu .not britain.i am just making out the things wrong with this goverment the list is growing every day.the goverment is not in charge of any of the economy.the industrail power oil and gas is run by private sector.the mains water is run by the private sector they are all becoming money going into the coffers of the was said in 1945. if you remember, who ever controls the power -industrail power of the country controls the country.and that is not this goverment,for sure.

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22 May 2012 12:59 PM by summer70 Star rating in Granada. 92 posts Send private message

summer70´s avatar

bob.dunford6 says
and most of these lmagrants .who cannot find work and getting benifits three times more money then our old age pansioneres recieve.are sending some of the money back home to suppoert their families.

Just to get this into perspective.

The basic UK state pension for a single person is £107.45. You can then usually receive Additional State Pension according to your contributions over the years.
But whatever the case, those living in the UK will not be expected to live beneath the Pension credits level.

With Pension credit, the UK State Pension amounts to £137.35 if you are single and £209.70 if you have a partner.
You will also be entitled to certain benefits, such as Council Tax Benefit and Housing Benefit from your local authority and a free bus pass, plus free prescriptions.  Then there is the Winter Fuel Allowance.

None of these are princely sums I agree, and the benefits that go with them show that pensioners living on just the state pension are struggling.

However, someone claiming Job Seekers Allowance will usually receive £67.50. If they have a family, they may be able to claim Income Support, Housing benefit, free prescriptions a free school meals for their children.

Most will not receive more than a pensioner. Many will receive a lot less.

And I very much doubt that on those figures, immigrants claiming benefit could send much money back to their families, if any at all.


This message was last edited by summer70 on 22/05/2012.

No me lo puedo creer! Living in Spain as an Expat.

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22 May 2012 1:15 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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This is a guy who has been estimated to have received over 250,000 in benefits and lived in a cosy London mansion all at the tax payers expense.....anyone defending Britains benefit culture is either rather deluded or works for the government department!

I think the statement below sums this up...


 Recently exiled radical cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed paid £4000 in cash for his daughter’s breast enhancement operation, even though he was claiming benefits in the UK as an ‘asylum seeker.’

The radical Muslim — who was expelled from Britain three years ago after it was revealed that he was fuelling radicalism in Britain — paid for his daughter Yasmin Fostock’s breast enhancements from a size A to a DD — which she now uses for her job as pole dancer in a London club.

At the same time as he paid for her breast enhancement, the Muslim leader was drawing housing, security, and health benefits from the British taxpayer under the asylum racket imposed on this country by successive Tory and Labour governments.

A friend of Fostock was quoted in a daily newspaper as saying that she had persuaded her father to give her the money for the surgery “because it would make her feel more of a mother when she was breast feeding her children.”

“He went along with it and even went to the top London clinic with her where he paid for the surgery in cash 

Bakri made a name for himself as a fanatical preacher who sparked outrage after praising the World Trade Centre bombers. Speaking from Lebanon, Bakri commented that “She was brought up properly in the Muslim faith but she is free to make her own choices in life. God will forgive her anything except becoming a non-Muslim.”

And so the asylum swindle rolls on. It is good to know that British taxpayers, who suffer under high taxes and ever increasing utility bills, can afford to pay for breast enhancements for daughters of swindling radical Muslims from Saudi Arabia.

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22 May 2012 1:41 PM by D_B_S Star rating. 178 posts Send private message

Interesting discussion that has drifted somewhat from the Banner.

Speaking as an someone who emmigrated from Oz to the UK in the sixties and returned this year I cannot see anyone who goes to a new Country just to take advantage of the benefit system. there are always exceptions and these are the ones usually quoted to prove a point.

However my understanding that of the 3M ish unemployed a vast majority are UK nationals. It seems a real problem in some areas of the UK where many have never worked and have a lifestyle funded by benefits. I wonder have they live - maybe its just existance which most of us would find pointless.

There are jobs for those that want them, I recently returned to the UK to head up a recruitment push for Maths and Engineering graduates from Oxford as we have a chronic shortage of engineers to support out mining and banking industries. It's difficult for older or family with assets as the Oz dollar is very strong (but slowly softening) at the moment.







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25 May 2012 4:42 PM by jaldridge Star rating in Manilva. 144 posts Send private message

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It's important not to tar everyone with the same brush.  There will always be "benefit hunters" but these are more the exception than the rule.

Many Spaniards have gone to look for work abroad to then send money back to their families.  They wouldn't be able to do this if they were on benefits.  Most people go abroad for a better life and don't set out hoping to join the benefits queue.

Although I do remember on Spanish TV there's a program called "Españoles por el mundo" which follows different Spaniards living abroad.  They were in Scotland one day and there was a Spanish woman on there who quite frankly told everyone that how she earns her money is helping other Spaniards sign on to benefits!  They then went to visit one who was showing her lovely flat paid for by the state!

But like I say, I really think this is the minority of people, the majority go looking for work to ensure the have a good life.



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26 May 2012 10:28 AM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

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Summer is spot on with those figures.  And yes the majority of unemployed here are Brits.  The Russians, Brazilians and Chinese are the nationalities spending money in central London and buying up properties in excess of 2 million, thus are are helping by doing this.

I do agree if each member country allows other eu members in and allows them to sign on then they should be paid from central coffers.

Herewith a post re restrictions on UK entry proposed by Teresa May.  I have been waiting to see how long this would take for her to announce these proposed plans.

Interesting times ahead!




If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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26 May 2012 2:25 PM by bob.dunford6 Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

 from micheal pettis the top economist of europe.and finance profesor at peking university and a senior associte at carnehie endowment.he is certain spain will leave the euro soon.he writs there are two reasons i believe spain will leave the euro he grew up in spain and knows the country the best.however the peripheral countries in the eurozone like spain are uncompetit ive, have high debt levels ,and suffer from low savings rates that had been forced down in the past decade to dangerous levels,spain has a stronger fiscal position and healthier bank balance sheets than many of its peers when the crises any argument that applies to spain id likely to apply more forcefulli to its peers..the first of which is to do with logic of spain's balance of payments postion and the second with the internal dynamics that drive the process of financial crisis,to address the second ,i think spain will leave the euro because it seems to me that the country has already started on the self-reinforcing downward spiral that leads to a crisis,and there is no one big enough to reverse the spiral.when a countries interest .on there loans rise they have to pay back more and most of them the debt rises  more.and the shortening of maturities double the impact.,as this probility rises spain will leave the the euro.and thebank deposits will be frozen.and redenominated in the weaker currancy before any abanonment of the euro is anouced when the spiral starts slowing thois behavour is not must be reversed ,but how no one is big enough  credibly to guarantee the credit worthiness of all the afflicted countries.,and without a credible guarntee the download spiral will occur until it is clearly unstoppable.

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28 May 2012 3:15 PM by evento Star rating. 33 posts Send private message

 I live in Spain and have done so for the past 20 yrs. I have up until now, never had to look for a Job. There was plenty for everyone.As from about 2008, things really began to change. I lost my full time Employment in 2009, due to Company cutbacks.Since then I have only been able to get 1 Job with a 6 month Contract.

A friend of mine (Spanish) has just booked a flight to England for June in search of work. She has been looking and sending her C.V, FOR ALL TYPES OF WORK, for 4 yrs, and nothing. She has a Degree in Business mangement, there is NO WORK here.

She has sold her car to support herself while she looks for work. Her family are heartbroken and don´t want her to go. She will not be claiming any benefits and she is hoping she can find something quite quickly...she is desperate to work.

She is one of a great many and my heart goes out to them, young, well mannered, hardworking......if they could only find something !!They are not out for a free ride, they get nothing here, they rely on their families and their saving´s. If they have not worked, they are not entitled to any Benefits. If there is a young child involved, they may get the Ayuda, Help from the Goverment, 426EUROS !!! P.M

I do not know what is going to happen here in Spain, but I do not think it is possible to remain in the Euro for much longer, and it would be better to return to the Peseta.

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28 May 2012 5:05 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

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It is  bad situation in Spain and yes even worse for the younger people who cannot earn a living.  I do agree it would be better to return to the peseta, Europe isn't working and in this household in the UK we never thought it would, for many reasons far to involved to go into here.

We are concerned about Mr King lowering the interest rate to 0% for savers, and believe this has something to do with the imprending break up of the European market.  Many people in Spain, Portugal, Ireland etc are too afraid to keep their money in banks in these countries and are thus placing monies on deposit here in the UK and I do believe this is the main reason for Mr King considering this move.  This in turn leaves our pensioners in this country exposed and in trouble, oh what a mess!

They want people here to spend more cash here and not save, and certainly do not want people from Europe saving here as well.  This will cause even more problems in the our export market and also other subtleties.


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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28 May 2012 6:09 PM by bob.dunford6 Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

 news today from the uk .look it up on the internet.eurozone break up any time cannot last

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29 May 2012 8:53 AM by bob.dunford6 Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

 the daily telegraph this morning.every bank in europe is getting ready for the end of the eurozone.switzerland has already taken an economic hit from appreciation of swis franc over the past year and said and admitted plans for a collapse of the eurozone.from reuters new agency that the french banks are also getting ready.more political presure in the single currency couldmaterialise on thursday when ireland holds a referendum on the new fiscal compact.

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01 Jun 2012 1:07 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


I think you are both very right on this. People love to go on about the UK  benefit system.  Many  have no doubt abused the   system, but they are in relative small numbers and often a scapegoat for the right wing / racists to bang the drum.

Is anybody suprised at the current state of Spain?.  The level of toxic debt is still being hidden by the banks even as there's a rush to pull out money in huge amounts. The lies, deception and greed has come back to bite in a big way. Perhaps if some of the Euro MP's had got there head out there arses some time ago, some of the rot might have been prevented?.

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01 Jun 2012 1:22 PM by D_B_S Star rating. 178 posts Send private message

Goodstich44 - how right you are.

I like many despair at the lack of the true valuation of  the assets held by the Banks. There is much pain to come for many of the Spanish people who will suffer because their government chose not to look at what was going on; and is still going on. It will end in tears for all in Europe both in and out of the Euro as reality hits and the world stops buying the Bonds.






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