spanish workers going to the uk for work
The Comments |
I am the Jeanette Erath that writes in the Courier and was the inspiration for this thread, I just want to say that my point was about all the Spanish going to the UK to look for work, not those just looking for benefits, of which, I imagine would be very few. I have no idea how easy it is to claim in the UK and as I have no plans to leave Spain, hopefully I will never find out. Thanks for reading my column, hope you are still enjoying it. Regards
Polite request- please could people use the spellchecker before submitting posts. I know we all make the occasional mistake, or typing error, but some postings read like a foreign language!
I think you will find that spelchecker (sp) often has to be an add-on, ie my deliberate mistake on this site via Firefox! Lots of users would not be aware of this so lighten up please. Where are the spelling mistakes? I can't seem to see any, in any event.
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
Foxilady- just scroll through a few of the threads on EOS. I wish I had a euro for every howler-I know it doesn't really matter in the great scheme of things, but it is irritating, and also fascinating to see the various versions of everyday words.
This is probably a sign of the times we live in ie spelling isn't such a rigid a requirement in the state system anymore it would seem. I continually meet people with Englsh degrees and they can't spell! I am dumfounded by this and continually observe this nonsense. I remember once back around 2001 I advertised for a secretary/personal assistant, and I interviewed over 20 applicants, with the emphasise on spelling as this was obviously a huge part of the job. Only 2 out of over 20 applicants passed the spelling test. I kid you not. And what was even more perplexing was the agencies that sent these women expressed anger towards me because I had emphasised this was a pivotal requirement for the position!!!!!!!!! You couldn't make this nonsense up could you? So point taken campo.
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
With the emphasis on spelling
Don't you just love it when that happens? 
hahahahah believe it or not 2 keys stick on my laptop b and n! so i didn't spot that - i need to get other half to sort this.
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
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