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aquarius17's latest forum comments

21 Apr 2010 4:31 PM:

I have you sussed.  YOU are the one advertising mate!

Thread: Long term letting agent - too good to be true?

21 Apr 2010 3:13 PM:


They certainly sound too good to be true.  Don't pay them anything.  A good agent wouldn't make such outrageous claims or ask for money upfront.


If you need an honest company, who even sends the security deposit to you (most hold it in their bank account earning interest etc) then look at  company called Property Rentals in Spain,  They give free advice and are very professional. 

Thread: Long term letting agent - too good to be true?


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Property Rental Long Term
"Property Rentals Long Term on the Costa Calida and Costa Blanca"
Last Updated: 4/21/2010 3:18:04 PM
Lifetime Views: 1599

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