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18 Jan 2018 12:03 PM:

Thanks for your reply.....Can you give me your reasons for this please ? We plan to rent first whilst we look 4 a  suitable lease...We already have the school funds and will be cash buyers for a home... 

Thread: Family Move and buying a business lease

15 Jan 2018 8:46 PM:

Hi all,  My husband , our 2 boys and I are planning a move to South Spain...We are looking to buy a lease on a small food Takeaway/cafe business...We currently run our own successful snack bar small business in the UK...We plan to buy our own place and have funds in place for I international school....We would like inland Malaga witb an expat community close by..Be grateful for anyone's thoughts on this ...thanks in advance....😊

Thread: Family Move and buying a business lease


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