Family Move and buying a business lease

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15 Jan 2018 8:46 PM by aries67 Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Hi all,  My husband , our 2 boys and I are planning a move to South Spain...We are looking to buy a lease on a small food Takeaway/cafe business...We currently run our own successful snack bar small business in the UK...We plan to buy our own place and have funds in place for I international school....We would like inland Malaga witb an expat community close by..Be grateful for anyone's thoughts on this ...thanks in advance....😊

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16 Jan 2018 9:06 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

If You are looking for advice...then DON'T DO a holiday home instead ...and carry on running that successful cafe/take away in the UK...and just enjoy taking stress free holidays .

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18 Jan 2018 12:03 PM by aries67 Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Thanks for your reply.....Can you give me your reasons for this please ? We plan to rent first whilst we look 4 a  suitable lease...We already have the school funds and will be cash buyers for a home... 

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18 Jan 2018 12:19 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

I think I have given you enough advice... So I will let someone else explain ...but you are making a wise decision by renting first ...I think buy doing this you will need no advise from anyone ...all you will have to do is look around ...and the picture that you see will say everything good luck.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 18/01/2018.

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18 Jan 2018 12:52 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Aries. I would also advise against making this move. I don't doubt that you are hardworking etc etc, but the number of failed businesses run by ex pats is most probably astronomical. The margins are extremely tight unless you are lucky to get a lease on a well established business with a large regular loyal clientele, which in turn would cost you a lot more for the lease. As an example at a local bar where I go a pint of lager has been the same price (2 euros) since 2008. The competition is fierce and the only way to stay in business is to keep driving the prices down. 

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18 Jan 2018 1:10 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Why ? One has to inquire, are you willing to give up a successful snack bar business in UK to attempt to replicate similar in Spain. Tell me it is not just for the sun!

i live here permanently and have seen many, whose work ethics I couldn't fault, have to return...not only with less than they arrived but exhausted from working long long hours ,for little return, (due in the main to the VERY high cost of monthly NIS payment) and in temperatures we are not accustomed to.

If taking in what I have written you think you are capable of making a go of it...then I hope to read you have succeeded 


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18 Jan 2018 1:22 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

It's almost impossible to give sensible advice based on so little (almost no) information, which is why the answers you get here will tend to be somewhat negative or sarcastic (my speciality, so apologies in advance)

Big question - how old are the kids? (funds in place for how many years?) How easily will they adapt to a foreign country / language / make friends etc.? And when they finish school, what prospects will they have (basically pretty poor, and they'll probably want to return to the UK asap, unless they're content to work in your cafe forever) 

Don't underestimate how hard it will be to replicate the success of your UK business, in Spain. There is so much that could go wrong. You've obviously got some capital behind you, which is great, but to paraphrase someone wiser than me, "the best way to make a fortune in Spain, is to start with a bigger fortune". There's nothing wrong with following your dream and giving it a go - but you must think of the kids first: don't jeopordise their future for yours.

Just my humble thoughts on the matter, hope it doesn't come across as rude or judgemental.

Good luck



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Mark Twain




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