09 Aug 2012 8:23 PM:
Another Potblack supporter here. I can't think of a worse time to buy. Why would you want to launch into buying at a time when the economic situation is so bad? The Greece situation is really bad and unresolved, Spain is similarly in an awkward situation. The politicians are all two faced and I would not believe a word they say.
Look, chill out, rent somewhere, get to know people and the areas, research the real economic situation. I've owned for over 10 years and I intend to move but there's no way I'd put anymore money into Spain at the moment as I'm totally unconvinced I wouldn't lose a fortune. Spain is a wonedrful place to be but not a wonderful place to own a property at the moment.
You asked for advice and you've got it from more than one source. Read other fora and you'll get similar advice. If anyone urges you to buy then make sure you examine their credentials and make sure they have no hidden agendas.