Apartment shutdown

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27 Apr 2020 12:48 PM by steve67 Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Hi all

I have an apartment in Orihuela Costa and live in the UK. With the current situation it's looking unlikely that I'll be able to visit until the autumn at the very earliest. 
So I'm considering shutting it down until next year - ie cancel all services - water, electric, TV etc 

This may also give me an opportunity to look for better deals once I'm ready to re-connect 

Can anyone advise as to potential problems doing this e.g  difficulty and cost of re-connection  ?

Also, having the apartment empty with no services, for the best part of a year ?

(I do have a friend in the area who performs periodic checks for me)

Thanks in advance 


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27 Apr 2020 2:19 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

With regards to the electric, I have always believed that the standing charge is for having a meter so you would still have to pay as far as I am aware. I know in the past that people who were cut off had to pay around 150 euros to re-connect and knowing Spain you would probably return next year to find they hadn't re-connected you even if you organised it properly. Re the water, surely if it is cut off someone would need to be there when it is turned on to ensure no flooding issues?

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27 Apr 2020 2:39 PM by steve67 Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Thanks Jarvi - good info re the standing charge. 
Yes, I can make sure someone's there when the water is reconnected. 
Many Thanks 

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29 Apr 2020 9:59 AM by scollins Star rating in London. 52 posts Send private message

Good morning, 

I suspect that if you terminate all of your utility suppliers you may have to pay charges to connect up new ( or the same) suppliers when you decide to return next year. Those charges can be hefty and  delays at banks  in changing direct debits between suppliers is not unknown. As an alternative you might want to look into reducing the costs of those utilities by reducing where you can the 'potencia' which makes up most of the monthly bill when not occupied. This is particularly relevant to electricity supply and it should be itemised in your bill. My supplier is Iberdrola and it can be done over the phone. 




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29 Apr 2020 10:51 AM by juansheetisplenty Star rating in Cartagena. 283 posts Send private message

juansheetisplenty´s avatar

For water re-connection, you generally need a "boletin", which is a certficate from a plumber that your property has been inspected. Cost typically 100 Euros. Personally would not attempt to disconnect.


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29 Apr 2020 12:01 PM by steve67 Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Thank you everyone for the info.

Very useful and much appreciated

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29 Apr 2020 2:19 PM by arroyoarry Star rating. 11 posts Send private message

Having had some experience of this whilst having long term caring duties our apartment in Malaga province was empty for many months. Our only utility was electricity and we were happy to pay the relatively small monthly standing charge. Obviously, insurance whilch is valid in a long term unoccupied property is essential. Plus, taxes local and national wait for no man and are payable. One piece of advice I have and had not considered was the ability of water in the various plumbing traps eventually to evaporate in the summer heat leaving the property open to infestation and odours from the drains. To avoid this I left water containers in bathrooms/kitchens and asked friends to visit regularly and top up. Hope this little tip helps. 

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29 Apr 2020 2:51 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Exactly right vis a vis insurance, Arroyoarry, with your comment..."Obviously, insurance whilch is valid in a long term unoccupied property is essential".

Steve67, you must tell the insurers that the place is empty.  You should do so in writing and obtain their acknowledgement, best in writing too.  They'll probably restrict cover and impose security requirements.  The risk of damage caused by sqatters won't be covered.

Doesn't sound that attractive sad, but at least you know what to expect.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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29 Apr 2020 5:46 PM by steve67 Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Thank you again everyone. 
From everyone's advice it seems the only thing worth shutting down is the TV/broadband service , which I'll look into. 
All the advice is much appreciated. 

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