¿Quien es bobi?

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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... moved to spain in the '80´s to a small village in the Contraviesa

Vivo en... La Alpujarra, Granada

Me gusta... writing and chatting with locals

Trabajo de... Freelance Writer

bobi's latest forum comments

06 Mar 2014 10:35 PM:

I am at present working full time in reformation for a firm in Malaga

which takes up all my time. I rent an apartment which take a large portion of that money. Leaving me very little time or money!


Time is precious and I need more of of it.

So I would very much like to hook up with someone who has spare accommodation and needs a practical person around and form a mutually beneficial arrangement.

My needs are simple but I do need an Internet connection.

I have Multiple skill sets, a fluent Spanish speaker,

And quite savvied in internet marketing.

Email bobimanning@gmail.com

Thread: Writer Seeks Accommodation in return for Work

12 Apr 2012 9:33 AM:

 I Fell behind with my rent through no falt of my own, (ripped off by a fellow expat), now back on my feet I am repaying the arrears  monthly, (one payment left YEEEA). I'm here for the long haul and therefore want no Problems here but however all expats are not the same ans this casts shadows over us all. I feel for property owners who are ripped off like this. Alot of people are suffering the crisis here. But disscussing problems with your landlord will ALWAYS bring the best results !!

Thread: Tenants not paying rent

06 Feb 2012 12:00 AM:


I realy need to get a typist in to finish my book and other asorted articles can pay much but can offer accomadation board etc if someone wanted a working holiday '''

Thread: Typist Wanted

06 Feb 2012 12:00 AM:

stop wingin on and on and read this 



Thread: Crisis??

24 Jan 2012 1:29 PM:

try this link see if its any help


Thread: permission to move!!


Communities bobi has joined

bobi' blogs

El Sojourner Andaluz
"Over thirty five years of wandering in Andalucía, from isolated mountain villages to dynamic vibrant cities, have left a few tales to tell, so here I shall share with the interested"
Last Updated: 12/9/2014 1:53:42 PM
Lifetime Views: 16187

Malaga on the Flipside
"A Journey of discovery - the not so well known side of the Capital that is the living, breathing, city, so loved by the Malagueños."
Last Updated: 9/23/2014 11:54:35 AM
Lifetime Views: 12817

Mijas Pueblo
"The life and times living in mijas pueblo its sights, characters, events and any thing else associated with village life."
Last Updated: 9/23/2014 12:13:28 PM
Lifetime Views: 55333

Wildfires - Dramatic Increase
"this year has seen a dramatic increase in wildfires in Spain 96% are started in one way with human help. Info from Greenpeace Spain. "
Last Updated: 9/23/2014 11:55:18 AM
Lifetime Views: 5450

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