30 Sep 2012 10:41 PM:
Not been on this forum for a while , but look at the weekly bullitin sent to me by EOS
This topic has spurred me to make a comment .I visited Catalunia in the 70;s and early 80's as a sprog , and was totally charmed by the Catalunians who couldnt get enough British culture (music , language & even clothing )
After 25 years away , I wasnt nieve enough to think that things wouldnt have changed , but man ....what a surprise !
All the slightly stifeling thirst for the outside , has been replaced by an even more stifeling need to display how Catalonian
( or in fact not ) they are ......or arnt ......
The consequence is that everyone has to speculate when engaging someone new should one say "Bon dia" or not .
Geting it wrong to a catalonian is either of no issue , or more likely...... a total forgetting of any other mutual languages or will to communicate .
I have a bar owning mate who is a polylingual expat Brit who prides himself in guessing which language to greet customers in just by the appearance of approaching customers .
Getting it wrong to anyone would not be an issue , other than Catalonian , where he then expects a frosty reply .
The area is a great place , with some great people , but nobody truely speaks their mind openly just in case , which is sad .
Locals feel more akin to someone from Perpignan than anyone in southern spain ( but they also dislike the French )
Further south ( towards Barcelona ) they are far more relaxed about their Catalonian-ness , and as a result are far more engaging .
Independance , to me , would add.. or take away nothing ,
other than ...just another level of being ....for people to subscribe to........or not ........or both.....or none....
More complicated than it need be . Shame.
This message was last edited by boomer on 30/09/2012.
Expats in Catalunya. What if.....?