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09 Mar 2009 5:46 PM:

i cannot imagine moving to spain until i have learnt more spanish - my biggest problem is the speed at which the Spanish speak

- i have found the Michel Thomas CDs really helpful, but couldnt find anywhere on the web or in CDs that taught vocabulary in groups.  i wanted lists of words in english and spanish that i could listen to over and over again until they sank into my poor old brain - well as i couldnt find it, i created it -

i have recorded groups of words  - me saying the English and a native Spaniard saying the Spanish (slowly) - all in MP3 format for anyone to download for free - it is at learnparrotfashion com and if you have ideas for other groups of words that should be added, then you can use the contact button on the website and i will try to get them included.

hope this is of help to some people

Thread: How do you survive without Speaking Spanish


callula' blogs

Learn Spanish Vocabulary Parrot Fashion
"Learn groups of vocabulary in Spanish by repeating them parrot fashion"
Last Updated: 4/9/2009 11:55:28 AM
Lifetime Views: 18159

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