01 Dec 2015 7:55 PM:
Just started reading this communication and amazed at the number of Dictators calling themselves Presidence, had thought it was just mine.
Our president is also the Administrator and receives !8,000 euros plus out of pocket expenses which he classes as Tax and Insurance giving a total cost to the Community of over 31,000 euros. He also decides what does and does not appear on the A.G.M. agenda, if he does not like the item or proposal he refuses its entry. At our last meeting a vote was taken to replace him but it was claimed a recount was required and the result would be sent out by E-Mail which gave him time to obtain further proxy votes and keep his position. He also writes off substancal debt as he likes. How does he get away with it you may ask, two or three big proxy holders support him god knows why.
Presidency or Dictatorship!