Spanish Airport Tax Increases from 1st July

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03 Jul 2012 7:44 AM by El alamillo Star rating in Nottingham & El Alam.... 221 posts Send private message

 From Ryan Air

1 Jul - Spanish Airport Tax Increases

The Spanish 2012 budget was passed into law on Saturday 30 June, as a result all airlines are obliged, with effect from 1 July onwards to collect significantly increased Spanish airport departure taxes from all passengers booked on flights after that date.

It appears that the increased Spanish airport departure tax may also apply retrospectively to customers who booked flights before the 2nd July 2012 and are travelling from the 1st July onwards.

In accordance with Ryanair's General Terms and Conditions of Travel  (Article 4.2.2) we hereby advise passengers that we may be forced to debit passengers for the increased airport departure tax imposed by the Spanish government for all flights departing from Spain which were booked before the 2nd July 2012 for travel from the 1st July 2012 onwards.

Once the Spanish authorities confirm whether the increased airport departure tax applies retrospectively (as set out above).  Ryanair will notify passengers by email of the additional charges applicable to their pre 2nd July booking.  Passengers not wishing to accept the additional tax will have the option to cancel their flight and receive a full refund.

N.B. All new flight bookings to/from Spanish airports made on or after the 2nd July are not affected by this retrospective clause as the increased departure tax has already been included in the purchased flight price.


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03 Jul 2012 8:06 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Well what a really enlightened thing to do.  
Tourists needed to help the economy,
Tourist numbers seriously reduced,
What can we do ?
I know, put up airport taxes.
 That should encourage more people to come to Spain. !!!!
Bravo España

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03 Jul 2012 8:11 AM by El alamillo Star rating in Nottingham & El Alam.... 221 posts Send private message

 THE INCREASE in airport taxes announced in Spain's 2012 budget could see Alicante airport lose more than 100,000 passengers this year as airline operators increase their ticket prices forcing tourists to seek cheaper holiday destinations such as Turkey, Greece and Morocco.

A study carried out by Exceltur, a group formed by businessmen in the tourism sector, has shown that the airport will lose 113,671 tourists this year and that it will have a severe negative impact on the Costa Blanca tourism sector because those tourist will take their holidays in destinations that are competing directly with it.


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03 Jul 2012 9:31 AM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

before we start our usual tirade against Ryanair, Alicante airport et al what EXACTLY will this increase be. I heard that the increase is listed in percentage terms but not what the original rate was. Somewhere I saw that at Alicante the rate is going from €5.70 per passenger to, wait for it, sit down and take a deep breath, get the smelling salts out..,.........................€5.99 for flights within the E.U. Now I know times are hard but if this report is correct how can I carry on living if I have to pay another €0.29 for each person in my party. The mind boggles. There again I might have these figures wrong and if so can someone please list the old and new taxes for our usual airports, Alicante, Murcia, Malaga, Almeria and Palma and any others that will be useful


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03 Jul 2012 10:09 AM by camille Star rating in West Yorkshire & Her.... 121 posts Send private message

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I fly into Alicante with Ryanair on the 20th July (booked the flights aroun 6 months ago) and haven't heard of an increase. Has anyone else had notification of added charges?

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04 Jul 2012 6:44 PM by shoetique Star rating. 1 posts Send private message


Yes, I have received an email today from Ryanair in relation to flights that I booked on 3rd June for flights from Alicante to Manchester on 23rd July. The Ryanair email is as follows ...

'The Spanish 2012 budget was passed into law on Saturday 30 June, as a result all airlines are obliged, with effect from 1 July onwards to collect increased Spanish airport departure taxes from all passengers booked on flights after that date.

It appears that the increased Spanish airport departure tax may also apply retrospectively to customers who booked flights before the 2nd July 2012 and are travelling from the 1st July onwards.

In accordance with Ryanair's General Terms and Conditions of Travel  (Article 4.2.2) we hereby advise passengers that we may be forced to debit passengers for the increased airport departure tax imposed by the Spanish government for all flights departing from Spain which were booked before the 2nd July 2012 for travel from the 1st July 2012 onwards.

Once the Spanish authorities confirm whether the increased airport departure tax applies retrospectively (as set out above),  Ryanair will notify passengers by email of the additional charges applicable to their pre 2nd July booking.  Passengers not wishing to accept the additional tax will have the option to cancel their flight and receive a full refund.

N.B. All new flight bookings departing from Spanish airports made on or after the 2nd July are not affected by this retrospective clause as the increased departure tax has already been included in the purchased flight price.'

I booked these flights on a deal with "free" taxes and charges.I  fail to understand why Ryanair are suggesting that they may need to pass on any increase that they are charged ( irrespective of its monetary value)given that the flights were purchaed with no taxes. On the 3rd June when I made the booking airlines were already aware of the Spanish governments budget plan to increase taxes from 30/06/12. Given that Ryanair must know the increased tax amount why hasnt this been stated in the email?

Mr O'Learly clearly never has , nor is ever likley to have, any concept of brand reputation or customer loyalty, so really doesnt care and will take every opportunity to pass on charges where he feels he can. As someone who has used Ryanair extensively (purely based upon price) I am getting more and more disgruntled with them and now will always seek to use other airlines where I can, even if the cost is slightly more. as is my consumer right - I will take my business elsewhere.

I would be interested to hear if other airlines are intending to pass these increased charges onto customers.


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04 Jul 2012 7:01 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

 It depends on the airport.  The average increase is 18 to 19 percent however, Madrid and Barcelona are increasing by almost 50 % (Madrid goes from €6.95 to €14.44 and Barcelona from €6.12 to €13.44 - EU internal flights).

Alicante is only an increase of 29cents, from €5.70 to €5.99 so it's a soft increase.  Gran Canaria, Palma de Mallorca, Malaga and Tenerife airports will be the same as Alicante.   

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04 Jul 2012 10:03 PM by gerrryuk Star rating in Mezquitilla, near To.... 179 posts Send private message

gerrryuk´s avatar

 Yea I to have had the same email from Ryanair. It will be very interesting to see just how much they load our fares.

Kind regards,


Do unto others as you would want them to do to you. I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.

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06 Jul 2012 12:34 AM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar

 Some good news for frequent flyers, on card charges.

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07 Jul 2012 4:30 AM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 posts Send private message

pommers´s avatar

Whilst many people whinge about the dreaded RyanAir - whom I hate with a vengeance - they are oftne still the cheapest to fly with!

I have just booked a very last minute reurn with them from Murcia to Manchester and the total cost was over €50 less than the nearest competitor. And €150 less than the most expensive. Including the extra tax!!!

Cheers Pommers

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07 Jul 2012 8:00 AM by porkpiepete Star rating. 0 posts

 It may only be €0.29 increase, but how much will Ryanair charge us to pay this extra with our credit/debit card?


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07 Jul 2012 10:26 AM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

The last time I flew with Ryanaire ( 8 weeks ago ) I booked a bag on my return flight  some weeksafter I had booked the flight.

Ryanair charged me the price for the bag only and no additional fee.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
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07 Jul 2012 11:41 AM by hevs Star rating in Milton Keynes. 206 posts Send private message

hevs´s avatar

I have been sent the same email as others but I had a 0 tax (14% of 0 yes is 0) I just hope when it comes through I dont get charged the whole lot and as others say will they charge your debit card on top of that!!!!



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07 Jul 2012 11:48 PM by LukeK Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Not sure where the 29c was got from. It's actually e1.92 per person from Alicante. Full table of airport and increases can be seen below


Flights from Spain Intra EU Islands to Mainland Non EU
Arrecife €1.87 €1.58 N/A
Malaga €1.92 N/A N/A
Alicante €1.92 N/A N/A
Barcelona €8.95 N/A N/A
Bilboa €1.87 N/A N/A
Fuerteventura €1.87 €1.58 N/A
Girona €0.42 N/A N/A
Ibiza €1.87 €1.58 N/A
Almeria €1.72 N/A N/A
Las Palmas €1.92 €1.62 N/A
Madrid €9.12 N/A €11.64
Mahon €1.87 €1.58 N/A
Murcia €1.72 N/A N/A
Oviedo €1.72 N/A N/A
Palma €1.92 €1.62 N/A
Reus €1.72 N/A N/A
Santiago €1.87 N/A N/A
Santander €1.72 N/A N/A
Seville €1.87 N/A €2.00
Tenerife South €1.92 €1.62 N/A
Valencia €1.87 N/A €2.00
Vallidolid €1.69 N/A N/A
Jerez €1.69 N/A N/A
Zaragoza €1.72 N/A N/A

This message was last edited by LukeK on 07/07/2012.

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08 Jul 2012 10:16 AM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message


Thanks for the list of increases, that is great.

However have you also got a list of either the old departure taxes ( so we can all do the maths ourselves) or the new inclusive rates.

Thanks a lot


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08 Jul 2012 4:54 PM by LukeK Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

 Sorry Stephen, don't have that information. Got that table from the Ryanair website. If I do find anything I will post back.

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09 Jul 2012 7:32 AM by porkpiepete Star rating. 0 posts

 The 29 cents came from a post by Boboal earlier on. looking at the table all the increases are more than posted by Boboal. Still I don't think i will be cancelling over €1.92 each.

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09 Jul 2012 9:59 AM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

I also found the €0.29 increase for Alicante in local paoers. Now the interesting thing is the figures quoted are the amounts that Ryanair will be charging all their passengers who fly/ flew from 1st July. That is why only about half of the total Spanish Airports are listed as these are the ones used by Ryanair.  (I did hear that some airlines will be absorbing the extra costs themselves for all flights BOOKED before 30th June.) It would now be interesting if someone could find the real increases at each airport to compare with the amounts being charged by Ryanair


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08 Aug 2012 7:26 PM by davidg Star rating. 247 posts Send private message


We have 2 flights booked with Ryanair, the first one at the end of August when Ryanair have debited £1.90 from my credit card & then a flight booked in October again with Ryanair which was booked on their special offer of no taxes either way & they have debited me £2.68. Both flights are into & out of Murcia.

Would be interested to know if anyone can shed any light on this. Of course it's not worth me phoning Ryanair as it will cost more than they've deducted, but perhaps that's what they are banking on!!!!


This message was last edited by davidg on 08/08/2012.

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08 Aug 2012 7:42 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

Exactly as the title of this thread...............this is what the deduction is for...................

Spanish Airport Tax Increases from 1st July  

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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