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11 Mar 2008 5:48 PM:

well i love my apartment which is second line but was sold it & guaranteed that the green area in front would not be built on as i had a clear sea view - amazing it was like being 1st line - hey presto one year later they started to build a small block now obstructing the sea view i had

also they refuse to deal with bird nesting problems in the boiler flus outside saying its not their problem even tho its a development fault - they say its not their fault there are birds! hello - get a net on there ? i would get sum1 in to do the job but noone will do it as its on the 8th floor & paragliding down seems the only option!

i am quite fed up with it all & want to get shot of it to be honest - also they said there would be no council tax to pay & then in dec 07 they hit u with an annual bill.......what is the future of our apartments I wonder.......


Thread: miss sold a marina dor apartment


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