The Comments |
I have just visited the marina dor complex, over at Oropresa del Mar, Castellon.
I really do like it there, and I bought an apartment off plan. It is now completed, but I feel I was miss sold it.
I bought second line beach, front line golf, but the golf has never materialized and from the new project I have just seen, in Cabanes it will never happen. I have seen a building right next to my apartment building under construction and asked the what it was, it is a new electrical generator plant, not what I expected to hear. Has anyone else bought here and been told front line golf. I would like to take this up with the company, but want to know how many more there are of us.
I was also informed it was a good investment for rental, what a total lie, that was, long lets less than 1/2 the amount I have to pay on the mortgage, and I still have to fund the community and all the unforseen charges.
sounds very much like a breach of contract?, first you need a very good lawyer, not involved with the agent/developer in any way. Maria who contributes on here sometimes could probably advise on that. From then on it's mainly up to your lawyer and the oh-so-slow justice system. You are doing the right thing trying to involve other buyers, the support will be a big help, and you might save lawyer costs by doing this.
If it was published with a golf course, that is part of the contract and therefore entitles you to cancellation due to the breach of contract. I am starting an specialisation course on Economy and Consumers rights today ( one year course). Will be able to have the advising of National Consumers experts ( University Proffessors) available. I will be more than happy to share that with you.
Best October!
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Yeah can identify with your troubles i was missold a 2nd line beech apartment on the promise that i could flip it on, or keep it and get great rent returns from it and another strong selling point was the theme park and especialy the new airport, anybody got news on that? i have no complaints about the quality of my apartment but the rent i was offered for it was insulting and the whole process has left a bad taste and has taken the good out of it!
Do you have written information on the renting scheme who was showed to you before contract?
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Im afraid i dont it was over 3years ago i only completed in march this year. It was the agent that sold it to me they where less than honest and a complete farce of a company i got no support at all as soon as i signed the contract and paid deposit everything was to be so simle and great far from it actualy was the most stessful property transaction i ever made!! Any sign of the Airport??
I have a copy of the rental agreement proposal from Marina d'or, but its just the one they give you if you put your apartment with them for long term
As for the airport, slowley but surely, cranes are up, its all levelled and there are flyers around Castellon and surrounding areas inc Oropesa advertising for staff wanted for the airport. Trafic control, security and such.
_______________________ Have fun, your a long time dead!
AS far as:
Completion deadile has not been met or
was not clearly expressed in the contract and you cannot even know if there is an official delay,
Were never given a bank guarantee and completion deadline has arrived or
Were promised certain facilities in the publicity brochures which made you buy: golf course, commercial facilities, sport facilities, gardens, swimming pool... and are not there or
Have found less squared meters ( -10%) ( size) than contracted or
Have found different, less quaility materials than contracted or
Were offered a clear rental scheme and it is not there anymmore or
or....... etc ( go to EYEONSPAIN articles and take a read)
you have got action against developer for breach of contract ( either for compensation- price reduction-or cancellation) or criminal action for fraud
Best regards,
Maria This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 1/2/2008.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
See this news cut
Developer of Marina d’Or under investigation
The Spanish press reports that Jesus Ger, the promoter of the Marina d’Or development in Castellon province on the Costa Azahar, is under investigation for urban planning corruption and bribery. Also implicated are former members of the Oropesa town council, including Rafael Albert Roca (former mayor of Oropesa), Tomás Fabregat Benages (former councillor for town planning), and various other municipal officials including the municipal architect.
The Marina d’Or development, which the promoter markets as ‘Holiday City’, is at the cheap end of the market, and is targeted towards holiday home buyers and investors in Spain and around Europe. Marina d’Or has sales offices in prestigious locations in Spanish cities like Madrid, Barcelona, not to mention European capitals like London.
The following pictures give you an idea of what a charming place Marina d’Or is. The height of good taste, and a blessing to the environment.

Anyone wishing to make a formal complaint about MRI can do so at:
David Oliver
The National Federation of Property Professionals
Arbon Hse, 6 Tounament Court, Edgehill Drive, Warwick, CV34 6LG UK
Is this Marina d'or the same organisation that has a showroom/sales office in Oxford Street, central London?
Our urbanization was supposed to have some 'green space', some buyers paid extra to overlook it. The green space never happened, another aprtment block was built on it instead and painted green. The developers said because they had painted it green that was OK!! They didn't have planning permission for this extra block but apparantly it was granted retrospectively. Phase 3 was supposed to have tennis courts, resturants, bowling alley, shops, another pool, gardens etc. but it's never been built and never will be, of course this only became apparant after everyone had signed and taken posesssion of their properties.
I wouldn't trust a Spanish developer or any agent in Spain ever again.
It is. They even has a sales office in China, believe or not.
It is. They even has a sales office in China, believe or not.
They had better watch out, if they con the Chinese the Triads(I think they are called) do not muck about. Quite a few cases of people with gambling debts being given concrete boots to wear in the sea or just a good throat slitting.
well i love my apartment which is second line but was sold it & guaranteed that the green area in front would not be built on as i had a clear sea view - amazing it was like being 1st line - hey presto one year later they started to build a small block now obstructing the sea view i had
also they refuse to deal with bird nesting problems in the boiler flus outside saying its not their problem even tho its a development fault - they say its not their fault there are birds! hello - get a net on there ? i would get sum1 in to do the job but noone will do it as its on the 8th floor & paragliding down seems the only option!
i am quite fed up with it all & want to get shot of it to be honest - also they said there would be no council tax to pay & then in dec 07 they hit u with an annual bill.......what is the future of our apartments I wonder.......
i bought an appartment in Marina Dor and I have to say its perfect for me and my familly. I travel there a couple of times a year and when i am not there i rent it out. My kids love it and my parents do too. The airport will be completed by the end of 2010 and marina dor golf is underway at the moment. Spain is having a bit of a slowdown property wise at the moment but Marina Dor property is still rising. Anyway I have been going to spain for around twenty years and during this time there have been ups and downs. So even if the market is down it wont last long because spain still has a massive tourism market. If anyone is wondering about Marina Dor they should go and check it out themselves. It suits me and my familly and my kids always dont want to leave.
Hi All,
I agree with some of what has been said, Marina d'Or is great for families.
The airport is well underway and Inaugaration is Jan 2009 with first flights landing June 09 ( as said in the local papers )
The Golf has not yet been started, but has been earmarked to start this year, same as the water park, on the resort itself. One section of it is underway ( the covered in bit ) hopefully open end of this summer, but the whole thing will be opening 2009!
Things have slowed down dramatically here in Marina d'Or but then it has in Ireland and England too. Prices may be rising for new off plan properties, but there are many many 2nd hand, brand new ( IE. never been used ) properties for way less than that for sale on the resort, look and you can find a bargain!!
The 3* hotel is closed until futher notice and the 4* hotel is open as and when, but this just reflects the spring season and the amount of visitors here now.
To visit Marina d'Or in the summer is to see a whole new resort, very busy , lots to do and very family orientated.
The market will fluctuate, and it will pick up again for those that can afford to ride out the storm.
For those who have an apartment here, it will come good, for those who are looking, well, you wont find a better place to invest, as long as you go into it with your eyes open and are not looking for a fast sale!
_______________________ Have fun, your a long time dead!
hi there, i aslo feel really dissapointed i bougth a first line appartment and i just went recently there and was differnt than 2 years ago, i also know that the property market is really bad at the moment, but again we being promess lots of things and i just see buildings and buildings and no people,or proyeycts being made, tracy i willl like to join you, in any legal persuit, because the more of us join toguether the easir will be to figth the cause,
For those of you owning an aprtment in Marina D'Or you may be interested in joining a UK based owners group. A number of owners across the UK are trying toget together to see if collectively we can
1. Help advertise and rent properties ( in talk with travel agents but need at lesat 50 apartments to make this worthwhile)
2. Coordinate discussions with Marina D'Or regarding issues like birds netsing in pipes, large annual maintenance fees, opening pools for longer.
3 Share information and advice.
If you are interested let me know