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Hi Folks - we have a property in Las Filipinas (Blue Lagoon) - we hire the car from the airport and arrive at apartment however we have been a bit remiss in actually writing down directions and a family friend is using our apartment, hiring a car from the airport. We normaly go up the toll round when we get there (but not coming back), however, we need some very clever person to give accurate directions - we are located near the Priory just past the Blue Lagoon archway - can anyone help so we can pass on these instructions
Thanks ever so and by the way,love the forum
Sorry can't help you but notice that you haven't mentioned which airport your guests will be arriving at, Alicante or San Javier (murcia or Alicante North depending on airline description)
From Alicante Airport - Leave carpark and, at first junction, follow signs left to Cartagena. Move to the right hand lane for the A7 Motorway to Cartagena. Join A7 and keep on it past Elche. Just after leaving Elche, move to the right hand lane for the AP7 (still signed Cartagena but now Torrevieja comes up).
Follow AP7 past first toll booth (pay toll). Take 3rd turn off past this toll signed La Zenia. You will then go through another toll. At roundabout past toll, take 3rd turning off roundabout (1st to La Zenia, 2nd signed Camino, 3rd signed San Miguel),
Continue straight on past Las Dolces to Villamartin. Straight through Villamartin to the end of the road (T Junction) and turn left. Continue straight on past the golf course, past the next roundabout and up the dual carriageway. Move to the left hand lane and turn left at next T Junction (right is signed San Miguel). Continue up hill and bear right at the roundabout. Continue all the way round and down the hill. Blue Lagoon is on your right. At bottom of the road past the commercial centre on your right, turn right when the commercial centre finishes. You are then at the Priory.
omg thank you - how stupid of me - but not rare!!!!! Its Alicante! We know the route when we get in the car but never assume (at the moment) that anyone would wish to use the apartment (builder trouble) so didnt take notice of route - should have written details down as we went on our way - but...............
How are you anyway Semijubilada - are you in England or spain at the moment? The weather in England has definitely turned autumnal so quickly - cant believe how dark its gone!
Bobaol - thank you soooooooooooo much - you are a star - I shall pass this on to our relative - will even keep a copy for ourselves - you really are clever - I have a sneak feeling you are the very kind person who gave us instructions to get to WestMed last year - am I right?
Tell them if they've been driving for over an hour on the motorway they've gone too far. 
It should take about 35 to 40 minutes to get to the 1st toll (unless your mates name is Lewis Hamilton) if there are no traffic snarl ups on the way.
thank you, I so appreciate your accurate instructions - I read them out to my husband and it came back to him - but so easy when someone gives you specific instructions. How often do you manage to go out? We thought we may not get out in october but hopefully we can make it now - its all about money isnt it?
I've been there about 5 years. Have a place in BDL2 next to the commercial centre with the Chinese restaurant in.
I generally go over in January/February, June, August (when I take the grandkids out) and towards end of November (avoid 1st week in December when everything closes down). Went over for 3 weeks in August, a week in Feb and a week in June. Plus took a couple of weeks on a Caribbean cruise and Las Vegas (had holidays owing) which means I have no holidays left this year. Might have to take a sickie in November and have a long weekend over there (never thrown a sickie in my life so I might feel too guilty if I really do that).
We are moving over permanently either next year or the year after depending on how things pan out. We are having a house built in Quesada for retiring to (early retirement, I'm 57 now) which should be ready in about March or April next year. The plan was to sell the one in BDL and use that to fund the new place and move over when I'm 60). Unfortunately, the agents and developers (read other threads) have done the dirty and we still don't have the deeds in BDL2 which means we can't put it on the market which in turn means I may have to sell my house in UK and take early retirement. Am really looking forward to living over there albeit a bit sooner than intended. I will be fortunate in having 2 pensions (forces and NHS) but it means I'll have to stump up two lots of SUMA, community charges etc until the one in BDL2 is sorted out. C'est la Vie (or should I say es la vida).
now forgive my ignorance - where is bdl2?
I never knew everywhere closed down first week December - does it open again after that (2nd week)?
I always remember being in majorca wanting to buy somewhere there but realised that (literally) everything closes shops/traffic lights/street lights the lot (end of September) and I didnt want that so i wanted somewhere with a 'working' town. So no deeds - that sounds familiar - who is your builder?
Anyway, I am glad you are able to fulfil your dream - what do you make of all the stories of the 'slump' - I know its happening because its happening here in Britain but it does scare me to death that what we have may be worthless.
I have some friends who have moved out from London to Spain and they love it - wouldnt swap it for anything.
Sorry, Bosque de las Lomas 2. Opposite the arches to Blue Lagoon.
The Spanish have 2 Christmases. One at the beginning of December and the one we celebrate. I am not sure of the dates but I think the 5th to 8th December is the first one. Everything closes down for the entire week and it is difficult to get anything done so avoid that week.
You have your place in Spain as a holiday home, I assume. If you are in it for the long term and want to use it to get away and chill out, it will never be worthless. We love it there and is a great place when we want to get away. I remember many slumps in my time. When I bought my house in UK, the interest rates were in double figures, people couldn't afford to buy and there were many in negative equity. We had to pay half our income on the mortgage to buy the house at £28.950 in 1986 and people told us we were stupid due to the coming property crash. Well, I paid the mortgage off 9 years early, it's now worth 200 k plus and the money I don't pay in rent or mortgage paid for my place in Spain.
I don't rent my place out but I do let my family and friends use it when they want (I do make them pay the electric and water bills whilst they're there). My grandkids love it (12yrs, 9yrs, 2 at 6 yrs and one at 18months) and it's worth it just for the enjoyment we all get when we're there.
Yes, I am looking forward to living there permanently. We are moving to Quesada purely for the reason that the area we are going to is more residential and suited for all year round living as opposed to El Galan/Las Filipinas/Blue Lagoon/Blue Hills or whatever they are calling it this week. This is a wonderful place for holidays and has everything you need. Another reason is my wife had a knee replacement this year and the steps up to the flat are, to say the least, a bit of a struggle. It is also only 2 bedrooms, great for just us, but I'm sure we are going to get lots more visitors when we are there permanently so a 3 bedroom house will suit us better.
Hope your continue to enjoy your trips out there.
I normally go out to Spain end of November and beginning of December I don't remember everything shutting down for a whole week.
I have been caught out in October when one of my favourite stores shuts down for the week that Labour or Workers day is in (12/10)
The first week in December is when the "Big Heads" appear in the town, perhaps someone can tell me why? For the uniniciated it's people with large paper machia heads on there shoulders. The children go wild when they see them. Also in Torrevieja the Belin (Nativity scene) in opened and it's well worth a walk round.
Spanish christmas is the 6th January and there is a parade the night before when the Kings arrive and all the children are there with carrier bags to catch the sweets that are thrown from the floats. Last year where we stood they had run out of sweets but it was near the end of the route.
Here is a good website which gives the red days when everything must close you might find it useful when booking your flights
I'm out next week until 14 October and I've persuaded my sister to join me for the last 4 days, I realised yesterday that everything will be closed on Friday including the market which she particularly wanted to go to. The market will be moved to Thursday the day she arrives but unfortunately we went for the midday flight instead of the first flight out of the day. I chickened out of telling her yesterday, perhaps I'll try the lemon groves on Sunday or the one by the motorway..
Finally I'm shocked someone who works for the NHS taking a sickie what is the world coming too
A school friends dad worked for the Royal Small Arms factory and there they would give him extra days leave because he never took his sick leave entitlement. He declined.
I worked in a Bank for 30+ years and after reading the Staff Handbook a new entrant announced that they wouldn't be in on Monday as they were taking part of their sick leave entitlement. You were allowed 3 days uncertificated X 6, after that you had to see the Banks doctor and then a decision would be made as to whether you had leave deducted.
Hi Tornado - nice to see you on this site. Coming from Alicante Airport - turn off the motorway at exit 751 and follow the signs to San Miguel. Hopefully you know the way from there. That way there are no tolls.
Torrevieja celebrates the "Feast of the Immaculate Conception" between 1 - 17 December. The main day is 8th December outside the main church, also called the Immaculate Conception. May have exagerrated when I said they closed all week but certainly 6-8 December sees most places closed. Went there a couple of years ago and the 6th was a Tuesday, Everything (not big supermarkets) were closed on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and everything(including supermarkets) were closed on the Thursday. Very few places bothered opening on the Friday.
And for Tornado, yes I also use the San Miguel turnoff to avoid the tolls. This might be a bit complicated for your friends, though, as it their first time there.
A better way to avoid the tolls, of course, is to fly in Murcia airport instead although I notice a lot of the airlines don't fly there off-season.
Edited to add: My wife has just reminded me that 6th December is Spanish Constitution Day when everything closes. The Immaculate Conception is also a holiday on the 8th December. We were trying to get Iberdrola to connect our electricity supply but they went on strike on the 7th December (great idea, huh?) along with most of the civil service at the time. We also had great difficulty getting the NIE as the town hall closed for the same reasons. So the official holidays at that time of the year are 6th and 8th December. Unofficial depends on how much they want time off, I suppose. When you're only out for a few days to get things done it can be a pain in the neck.
This message was last edited by bobaol on 9/23/2007.
Oh dear it looks like I've booked the wrong week to come out in December then (2 - 9th) must make sure I've stocked up the freezer before I leave in October just incase.
Thanks for letting me know.
Thank you to you all for your kind directions and I love the 'chat' - Fly - thank you - its a great site isnt it - I've given Bobaol's directions because its this guys first trip out - he seems quite confident enough so he seemed quite happy for us just to give him directions so I have passed on yours to him. I remember the first time we went out on our own (without the agents) and I have to took us 4 hours to find our apartment which was, in the end, only half an hour away from where we were staying! What a confession to have to make huh!
We are hoping desperately to get out in october when the kids are on holiday - youngest misses my eldest so much tho when we go out, however, not sure why as they argue non stop when they are together. We will have to find him loads to do. However, he is happy if he can play snooker etc., which isnt far from us.