The Comments |
I haven't smoked for four weeks, one day and about eight hours - NOT THAT I'M COUNTING! I smoked 20/25 a day and after feeling tired and breathless decided enough was enough. the UK, since July 1st to be a smoker is to be a social outcast and the only place you could enjoy smoking with a drink/coffee was in your own home really - so not smoking has been quite easy.
But........I am coming over to Spain next Wednesday and I know it will be far more difficult! So wish me luck - I hope at the end of my two week break I'll still be a non smoker!!!
WELL DONE YOU _ I know it can be very difficult but you will feel the benefits. My father smoked around 3 packets a day as did my mum so he decided ages ago to give up. After many times falling off the wagon (is that the right expression?) he made it and felt loads better - smokers guts up morning cough went and he felt healthier
However - my mum gave up with him to keep company but had never suffered a cough or anything and boy was she a miserable mean person to get on the wrong side of after a couple of weeks of giving up!
Even my dad reckoned he wouldnt survive her outbursts and couple it with the out!
So, well done you. Keep it up!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Cioffi 1
just like to say a big WELL DONE!!!!!!!. I think pubs and similar are so much nicer places to be in the UK since the ban. I hope Spain catches on one day (and bans bull fighting while they are at it!). Some ex smokers have joined my local running club, and have said giving up fags and now being able to run is transforming their life. Look at the London marathon for inspiration on what can be achieved without fags!
I stopped two years ago. Put on 2 stones and just started again. Half a stone gone already.
I gave up for the third and final time about six years ago, and soon afterwards was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. It seems smoking can mask the condition as it raises ones heart rate. So as well as the obvious and well advertised health problems brought about by smoking it can hide underlying conditions which are equally as serious.
I will keep everything crossed for you and pray that you never again succumb to the horrors of the weed.
Well Done!!
This message was last edited by sandra on 9/20/2007.
Sorry, I duplicated the post.
This message was last edited by sandra on 9/20/2007.
Well done you!
I am on patches, have been since early June and still struggle.
Like you, I used to smoke 20/25 a day, but I have to admit, I haven't totally stopped.
On a good day I have none, not so good, two, and while here in Spain? Too many!!!
I can't wait to get back in a routine again and stop altogether.
Being here on holiday has been so so hard, so I wish you luck with your holiday, hopefully, you will do better than me!!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hey Sharon - well perhaps we should support each other - I stopped smoking on Monday 10th September (it was my 50th birthday on the 17th and wanted to hit 50 without smoking). No patches, no gum no nothing - just a desire to stop and to extend my life expectancy. Did really well without my 15 to 20 per day until the night of the 17th (small surprise dinner party of 10 people of which 6 were smokers) - finally succumbed amidst protest at about 11pm when coffees arrived - had three more during the course of the evening but no more since then. Cannot say yet that I have given up and not sure that I will ever be able to as I do miss the enjoymnt of it - not stressed at all but then I am not a particularly stressed individual - have noticed a couple of nights that sleep is difficult to find so need a diversion - ironing hasnt worked as I was still ironing on a 7 hour stretch at 7 am one morning last week - did have a few breaks in between but still sleep wpould not come - funny thing was that I didnt feel the least bit tired. Seems I havent missed them quite as much since my lapse early this week as I did before - hmmmm we shall see what happens the next party I have to go to.
Smiley -
Smiley, FibbyUK,Laury and all other Quitters,
Yes quitting is extremely difficult in the first three months. Each time I felt the urge to smoke I started to clean whilst repeating the mantra,
" It'll pass, it'll pass, do something, think of something else, it'll pass"
I cleaned out kitchen cupboards, wardrobes,sideboards etc., Then started on the drawers. I had the cleanest cupboards in Derbyshire after the first few weeks, not to mention my drawers ;-)
I also drank lots of water each time I had the craving and it seemed to help. Also cutting down on other addictive substances such as chocolate and sugary foods , and avoiding situations where I normally smoked helped. Alcohol held no attraction without a fag so I quit that too unless it accompanied a meal.
It took about six months before I felt confident to say I had truly quit, but I still avoid smokey situations because a) I cannot stand the smell of stale tobbacco smoke and b) I'm scared of getting hooked again
Hope this helps
This message was last edited by sandra on 9/20/2007.
You're very supportive Sandra.
I have gone back after two years though because I put 2 stone on and still missed them.
I think it's partly the social aspect. Smokers tend to congregate at functions and make friends as happened on our last cruise when we met some Floridians.
We went for a two week visit to them the following year.
I'll probably quit again soon. It's a nuisance not being able to smoke anywhere.
Hi Smiley
I had always said I would give up when I was 30 - I am now 48!!! It seems we have something in common as I am also finding it hard to sleep at night despite drinking two large mugs of Horlicks and taking Nitol tablets. My ironing pile no longer exists and was normally a feature on the chair in the corner of the lounge!
I lost my Mother in May, quite suddenly, and coped with the shock of it all my drinking coffee and going from 20/25 cigarettes a day to probably 40+ and had no appetite at all. By August I was heartily sick of smoking and really felt quite unwell. When I stopped my weight had gone down to eight and a half stone - a stone lighter than normal. Since quitting I am now just under nine so have out on a few pounds, but am happy about that. The worst thing is that as my husband smokes as well - so do our children (aged 22 + 19)
I said I'd never be like this but since giving up I have banned smoking in the flat!! - I used to hate people like me!!!
What I REALLY miss is a cigarette with a drink/coffee. If only I could have just one a day, but I know I can't.
Smiley I will keep you updated of my progress - and I look forward to hearing of yours!
That's not one of my vices though.
Quit the coffee I guess and the drink - perhaps stick to water for a few weeks - will help to detox as well and flush the system - tell Armando to give up as well and dont be afraid to ban the weed indoors - its your life why let someone else ruin it - if you find yourself in situations where you want one make sure you dont go there or do it - have been walking a lot since April this year and taking a lot more exercise - since stopping the walks have got longer and the rests less frequent and shorter. Spend the money on something else? Not sure whether to bother too much with Amadeos idea - it worked for him but not sure it would work for everyone.
Smiley -
Amadeo is a great advocate for the ear lasering - maybe he has shares in the company! We didn't really know him well when he did smoke. In fact since the stomach op. he barely eats either - so NO FUN TO BE WTH AT ALL!!!
It's funny really - because as a teenager I took up smoking because I didn't drink and felt I had to do something to "fit it" I still rarely drink alcohol - but that's more to do with my job. I had thought I might try to more exercise - well any exercise really as I do none at all. I don't want to join a gym - not my scene, thought I try walking and swimming.
I do feel so much better but I miss it - I even thought about herbal cigarettes but some say they are harmful as well.
Hi All,
I would love to be able to pack up smoking,people may think that statement is quite weak and it is easy to quit.
I have tried everything,hypnosis,patches,gum false fag,you name it i have tried it,the longest i ever lasted was six weeks and i finally sucumbed.
Even watching my dad and best mate die of Cancer did not bring it home!!!!!
If there was a magic pill i would be first in the queue.
No willpower that's my problem
still here after all these years!
well done for that last post, just proves (if any more proof were needed) what a foul habit it is, and just how hard it can be for people to give up. I really hope for you and many others that a 'magic' pill, will come along and save so much suffering in future.
There is a pill, it's called Zyban, but there is a big misrepresrentation with this so called "Anti smoking" pill.
Zyban is actually an antidepressant, it just happens to have, as one of it's side effects, the ability to stop the craving for nicotine.
I was offered it, but when I knew what it is truly made for and the other side effects that antidepressants can have, I declined.
Patches have truly helped me, but now I have to ween myself off them!
Cant win!
This message was last edited by FibbyUK on 9/20/2007.
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hola guys - luckily I dodnt take it up but both parents smoke far too much and begged us kids not to do so. I remember being bought up in the days when no ones knew the dangers and there were cigarettes and a lighter in every room in the house, including the bathroom but not our bedrooms.
I have always hated the fug and smoke, it was one of my pet hates and reason for not doing the pubby thing when younger as it would sting my eyes - out here because you live outdoors most of th etime it doesnt affect me and my husbands have been smokers - again as long as it doesnt directly affect me then i am very live and let live.
Cioffi - Amadeo used to smoke like a train, almost chain smoking! He used to come to the office and would puff away merrily. He had the earlasering thing done and says it worked wonders for him. He has absolutely no will power as over the 4 years I have known him he has tried to give up numerous times. Same with the diet, he tried all sorts of things and could not regulate himself.
It was medical advice given to him which was why he took such drastic measures and I agree there is no point going out for a meal with him, except lunch ios good as you can eat his as well!! 
Take plenty of fluids and a 1000mg vit C tablet as well to help (just something I read) and try to avoid coffee OR EATING SWEETS as you are just replacing the habit
Georgia - dont beat yourself up, many people try to give up all sorts of addictions not only smoking but until you really want to do it, the time wont be right for you and it doesnt matter a hoot what other people say or who nags you!
Good luck to all who have given up or who are going to try - perhaps this thread can bolster any of you needing a bit of support at the hard times!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Rixxy - how right you are! I'm finding this thread v.helpful as you realise you're not alone in your struggle. I'm going to try the vitamin C
Yep, I try to take plenty of water - I don't enjoy coffee so much without a cigarette so drink far less. Sweets, yep been there - I ate 4 packets of extra strong mints in one day last week!
Fibby - one of our barmen used Zyban.....and still smoked - not a good mixture!
Georgia - I too have lost relatives and a friend to cancer but still continued to smoke. I am/was a dedicated smoker and can hardly believe I've stopped myself but believe I have because I was ready, was sick of doing it and out of the 20/25 I smoked really only enjoyed 2 or 3 tops. But the key thing was that I was beginning to feel breathless and bloody lifeless.
Most people in my trade smoke and at our last area meeting I sat amongst 12 smokers on every outdoor coffee break without too much of a struggle!