The Comments |
I have the book but haven't read it yet. .
I did do it for 3 months last year then caved in!!! I really want to give up, wish I'd never started. Nicotine chewing gum, liquorice flavour seems to work for me, just setting the day at the moment seems to be the problem!! I know it's down to willpower and am finding it easier to cut down at the pub. Fag or frizzy hair??? Stay inside and do without the fag. Well done cioffi, maybe you could start a helpline thread.
Before I gave up I'd smoked for 30 years and was REALLY dedicated! But the key to it all is actually wanting to stop - same as dieting I suppose.
With regard to Alan Carr - about 14 years ago I went to one of his hypnotherapy sessions (at a cost of £80 which was a lot of money then) and managed to stop for 4 weeks and then went back to it. So there's no guarantee that I won't give in again but I just feel so much better for not smoking and that for me is the prize.
Hi Cioffi, I gave up about 30years ago could not afford it basically it was a good deterent. in them days I smoked senior service variety not tipped cigarettes. I was very grumpy espicially after a meal. But I did it and have not looked back  Roy gave up about 5years later bear with a soar head describes him  sweets chewing gum the lot. But he did it in the end. So keep trying Cioffi it's worth it in the end. I had a mother in law at the time that died of lung cancer and she was so lovely only 50yrs old. I have just lost another friend as well. So hang in their. Take care Pat
Hi Pat
Wise words - I need all the encouragement I can get! I'm using nicotine gum which works for me but does give me hiccups! Better than coughing I suppose
How's everyone doing ?
Free 10-week Stop Smoking Plan
The Click2Quit Plan is a free 10-week support programme tailored according to your smoking habits, lifestyle and motivations for quitting. You get 5 emails to help you stay strong, 3 newsletters to refer to again and again, tips to help you through tricky situations, and realistic advice to keep you on track.
Fags and Viagra
Still not smoking - although............I did take one from my husband's packet the other day but didn't light up - I just wanted to hold one! Pathetic, I know but true.
Cioffi 1
Not pathetic at all.
How on earth you've managed to stop at all if your husband is still smoking I do not know. I was fortunate in that my husband has never smoked. If there had been another smoker in the house when I was trying to quit I would have caved in, I just know I would.
You have abso - b****y - lutely fantastic willpower!!!!!!!
Cioffi, you're amazing, keep it up.
Who needs motivational e-mails when I have all of you????!!!
Great news Sharon

I've a great one for you, flossy when you do it too. Come on, put your mind to it, you can do it.
CLICK ON LINK >>>>>>>>>> >>> 
This message was last edited by morerosado on 2/9/2008.
Well done Sharon - I dont think its pathetic at all and I guess even if you do end up having to light one as long as you dont go back to the old habits then you are doing fantastically well!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
I gave up 7 years ago when I had a really bad cold. I had given up twice before but what made me determined not to start smoking again was when my little granddaughters, aged 7 and 2 at the time, told me that I didn't SMELL anymore.
Out of the mouths of babes eh ? True though. I was so pleased when my OH gave up his beloved Hamlet over three years ago. It's a total waste of money too. So odd that many of our (smoker) friends have had heart attacks & from smoking 60 a day (some did) they've all stopped cold turkey. Shouldn't have to have a heart attack to scare the sh*t out of you in order to give up.
Yes, I'm a non smoker, before you ask, never have taken the weed up. Tried it a couple of times in my teens & thought it was a disgusting taste.
I have great respect for those who have stopped.
Thought I'd check in & let you know I've now completed almost TWO YEARS smoke free - well, as long as I don't sit next to my husband!
I still find it hard when I'm in Spain as everywhere you look there is someone doing it, especially in the beach bar with a cold beer - that's when I still find it really tough.
Just thought I'd let you know!
Hi Sharon, I've often thought of you, I'm very proud of you.
Good to hear from you. Well done.
BTW your website needs to show or we need to paste link into our browsers (it isn't complete the way you typed it).
This message was last edited by morerosado on 07/08/2009.
Hi More!
Good to hear from you. I haven't posted for some time as I've had a lot going on, but I have been looking in from time to time.
Now, go to bed - it's v.late!