27 Jun 2013 1:27 PM:
At the risk of attracting the wrath of many who seem to think that claiming benefits is a right, it should be remembered that the benefits system or the welfare system as it should rightly be called was formed and has developed with the intention of providing a safety net for the unfortunate who cannot provide for themselves.
Sadly the welfare system has become not a safety net but a pot of money that grows ever more a burdon on a shrinking working population to be claimed by individuals, many of whom, are not in the unfortunate class and many who have not the will to imptove their own lot.
For me ALL benefits should and must be means tested, not just against the means of those who claim but also the ability and willingness of those that claim to help themselves through work or other expedient ways to ensure they can afford the basic necessities of a reasonable life, food, heating, a home in which to live and the ability to move around the area in which they live.
Unfortunately welfare benefits are distributed too widely and to many who seriously don't need them to be able to afford a reasonable lifestyle, the WFA is a classic case as was child allowance..... that unfortunately is the result of (usually) socialist goverments who would rather decide for you how to spend YOUR cash and the nanny state is born. The welfare system has to be scaled back and once again be available amply for those who really need it and not for all who have contributed, if that is done properly then pensions can be raised and the NHS can be boosted.
Now I shall duck !!
This message was last edited by Fighter2 on 27/06/2013.
Winter Fuel Allowance