Winter Fuel Allowance

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26 Jun 2013 1:38 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Winter Fuel Allowance has just been cancelled by George Osborne  as it was,  and will now be  on a temperature qualification.   Thus those in ‘hot countries’ will not get it..
However, it would seem fairer,  in that those who previously got because they had it before they left UK will also loose it.

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26 Jun 2013 2:00 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar
As from autumn 2015. After the next election.

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26 Jun 2013 2:07 PM by Lifeline Star rating in Murcia. 365 posts Send private message

Lifeline´s avatar

 Was this in the news or can you give me the source, please?



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26 Jun 2013 2:13 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

The chancellor said that anyone living in a country that has a higher temp than UK in the winter will not get it. I agree that Places such as Martinique shouldn't get it as it is tropical, but surely the criteria should be -Is heating needed in winter?, and in Spain it most certainly is, from November to March at least.Whenever I have heard MPs speak  about WFA, they talk about rich pensioners lolling about on sunbeds in Spain in winter, which shows they don't know what they are talking about-Nick Clegg should be able to put them right, but perhaps his wife's place in Spain is so well insulated it doesn't need heating.

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26 Jun 2013 2:56 PM by brotherjohn Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Its time to stop the rich pensioners sucking the UK dry.withdrawing the WFA for expats is just the start.You may not be lying on your sunbeds,but you're certainly not shivering next to a one bar electric fire in temps below zero.

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26 Jun 2013 3:07 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

It's wrong to assume every expat in Spain is rich. Some live on the state pension(lowest in Europe) plus a small private pension. Many have sold a terraced house and come to live in Spain in the hope of it being cheaper and warmer. In winter the central heating, log fires, gas fires etc are not ornaments. It may not be below zero on a regular basis but in these often uninsulated houses it is mighty cold. I would call 10 centigrade in my living room cold, plus you wouldn't like to use the bathroom in the winter! Do you think an allowance is only necessary below zero then?

It would have been better had the chancellor withdrawn it from those with an annual income of over  eg £40,000 , wherever they lived.

Those who have been heard to say they receive it but don't need it-don't apply for it then-you only get it if you claim it, it's not automatic!

Lifeline -where have you been-it was in the spending revue by the Chancellor today!

This message was last edited by camposol on 26/06/2013.

This message was last edited by camposol on 26/06/2013.

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26 Jun 2013 3:23 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Whilst there may be an argument that the allowance, all allowances maybe, should be means tested, the WFA has never been, so that anyone who qualified got it.   Thus the argument that ’the supposed rich’ living (in poverty maybe) in Spain has no foundation.
The unreasonable part was that those who claimed whilst they were still living in the UK could export it whilst those who had left UK before claiming could not, even though they had probably paid the same amount in.
It was akin to those pensioner who went to live in say Canada, who never have had their state retirement  pension increased in line with those still living in the UK, so are still on the same rate as when they left the UK. Again, they paid into the scheme just like those who stayed in UK.

If there is to be a consideration regarding the temperature, then those in Scotland should get more than those in Devon. And maybe those who live inland in Spain should get an AC allowance in the summer, when they need to stay cool to stay alive, and the WFA in winter when they need heating, equally, to stay alive.
Or maybe sense should prevail and they should stop the WFA and all other state charity hand outs in UK, often given to the least deserving.

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26 Jun 2013 3:24 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Best thing the chancellor should do is stop WFA for everyone now.
Instead expats are targeted whilst the fat cats who can afford to relocate to a warmer climate ,whilst still living in UK , are once again immune.
If chancellor believes the least one should earn is £10,500 before tax how come many pensioners are expected to survive on a basic state pension of £5,400.
If the UK government, of whatever persuasion, maximised the basic state pension and benefits to the Brit born unemployed
to this level and got rid of all other benefits and subsequent beneficiaries am sure they would save a fortune.

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26 Jun 2013 3:38 PM by brotherjohn Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

I certainly don't assume every expat is rich.Far from it.But let's be honest here, the WFA was certainly not introduced for people living In Spain or anywhere else abroad. Its yours / my choice to live outside of the UK.
I think if you were to ask the UK public.Are you aware people in Spain get the WFA.and do you think this is right?
You would get a resounding No.

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26 Jun 2013 3:53 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Brother John, if it was means tested allowance I would agree with you., but as everyone is entitled including the richest in the land and even the Queen I assume,  Thus no one should anyopne be excluded for any reason


That was why I said, all 'state charity' should be means tested., so that the 'rich' who pay the cost of the charity payments, should not have to pay for lazy, no good, scroungers anywhere.

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26 Jun 2013 3:55 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

The WFA was a tax free vote "sweetener" given to all pensioners in UK , instead of a decent state pension increase, regardless of income or status.
Do people in UK think that fair?
I don't.
The fact that many decided to relocate abroad thus saving the UK millions in tax credits and other benefits appears immaterial to the furore cause by a paltry £100 per person to we expats.
Don't forget that those on low incomes living in UK can also claim extra cold weather payments .

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26 Jun 2013 4:24 PM by johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 posts Send private message

doubt if Osborne can get away with this. It's illegal to discriminate against pensioners in any part of the EU. So if they get it in the UK any challenge to the European Court will be succesfull

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26 Jun 2013 4:32 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Floella- "fat cats who relocate to a warmer climate!" Get it right- Many ex pats as I said before, are on modest incomes.As Johnx said scrap the WFP for every one except those who really need it, and they can be means tested. No free tv licences or bus passes for those whose income is over £40.000 . job done, tons of money saved!

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26 Jun 2013 4:33 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Included in Osborne's "


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26 Jun 2013 4:42 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Also included in Osborn's "Welfare cap" about the winter fuel payment is housing benefits, tax credits, disabilty benefits, pensioner benefits....and the best bit is...."Although the state pension will not"....any bets on...Yet!

If a minister can mention it a minister means it.

I agree with all these cuts, after all how otherwise can we boost up the aid millions to Africa.


This message was last edited by baz1946 on 26/06/2013.

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26 Jun 2013 4:45 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Dear Camposol,
Please read what I wrote
"to relocate to a warmer climate ,whilst still living in UK , are once again immune."
Appreciate could have included....during the winter months....but think my meaning was clear in the context of the posting.

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26 Jun 2013 5:02 PM by competa Star rating in Scotland. 92 posts Send private message

After all, it's not that warm in Spain in the winter, even in Andalucia.  Some mountain villages can get very cold - I even remember snow in Estepona - not good!

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26 Jun 2013 6:39 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 Two points - someone said you had to claim the WFA and that is not true - it is an automatic payment for anyone over 60 at a particular point in the year.   So even those still in full time work get it.

Second - my understanding is that the WFA will be related to temperature, which means those in the UK will get it if temps reach a certain level, while those in countries which don't reach those temps for the given time, will not get it.    So the EU rules will be satisfied. 

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26 Jun 2013 6:52 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

The wfp does not just appear in your bank account-you have to apply!

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26 Jun 2013 6:54 PM by Ziggyblue Star rating. 35 posts Send private message

Spain in the winter months is cold.  The houses are built for the heat with single stone with ill fitting windows and no carpets and no central heating.  Temperatures can get below freezing and have done.  I have sat many a day with a dressing gown on over my clothes to try to keep warm. 

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