Spanish Royal family news

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21 Jun 2013 9:25 AM by Lifeline Star rating in Murcia. 365 posts Send private message

Lifeline´s avatar

 Trying to google around searching for what the Spanish news is saying about the royal family this week. Even the king is speaking about it!

Anyone give us a clue?



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21 Jun 2013 10:02 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

The scandal being talked about in Spain is a case that could land a Spanish princess in jail and topple the Spanish monarchy.

Last month, Princess Cristina was indicted on charges of complicity in fraud, tax evasion, money laundering and embezzlement, the first member of a European royal family to be charged in a serious crime in centuries.

Understand the couple are living in the USA

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21 Jun 2013 11:30 AM by Lifeline Star rating in Murcia. 365 posts Send private message

Lifeline´s avatar

 Thanks Floella



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21 Jun 2013 3:32 PM by lobin Star rating. 256 posts Send private message

Floella, the appeal against the indictment of the princess was won and the indictment reversed weeks ago so there are no current charges against her. The couple used to live in the US until 2012. They live in Barcelona now.

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21 Jun 2013 3:40 PM by Lifeline Star rating in Murcia. 365 posts Send private message

Lifeline´s avatar

 So what do you think was in the news this week again- words like 'infanta', 'hija' were used, with pictures of royal family years ago?




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21 Jun 2013 3:51 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Understand charges against the husband of Infanta Cristina still stand. Which does not bow well for the royal household.
Will inquire of my Spanish friend.

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21 Jun 2013 4:53 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 The only thing that I can find is that the report into the erroneous data that caused the charges agaiins Cristina will be ready for publication on Tuesday next week.   The papers all say that she looked radiant after the stress.    

I still get the impression that the Royal family are still pretty much liked - in spite of the elephant hunting scandal and the increasing isolation of the queen.  I don't get the impression it is in danger, though it is not as strongly rooted as the royal family in the UK.  

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24 Jun 2013 12:00 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

From what I can gather the Spanish people have been very unhappy with the Royal family since Juan Carlos went shooting elephants in Africa . Add the Cristina debacle into the equation plus with many jobless and homeless here this family are appearing to be leading the "playboy" lifestyle consequently many of the population would like to see the back of them.
On Spanish tv today lots of booing for La Reina Sophia
But for who or what ...not sure.
They like how the main royals conduct themselves in UK ,especially since the Queen changed direction after the death of Diana , so perhaps they would like Felipe to take over.

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24 Jun 2013 12:30 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 I think the younger ones are more popular, and Latizia of course is a commoner - bit like Katie (but with a more colourful past.   The real wrath over the King and the elephant shooting was that he was with his young fancy bit.  That is why the queen took so long in going to see him in hospital - she stayed at home in Greece.   Add that to the cost (though nothing like costs of Royals in the UK), and the fact that it was elephants he was shooting - and he certainly got a bit of stick!!    However, I have to be honest, I was in Madrid recently and the King was on show - and I would have to say very warmly welcomed.    I don't know anybody who does not admire and respect Sophia - so I am intrigued by the booing and will try to find out more!

Floella - it is fasinating stuff - maybe we should start a new thread about the future of the Royals in Spain?   There is no doubt there is not the deep seated fascination in Spain that there is in the UK - but you might not guess that if you read Hola which carries endless stories and pictures of the family.  

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24 Jun 2013 1:12 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Would be interested to know myself what and where this happened. Juan Carlos wasn't there but her son Felipe could have been.

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25 Jun 2013 6:28 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

My last word on Lifelines opening post....
Today I spoke with another Spanish friend and the general opinion is Rey Juan Carlos has been forgiven for his African adventure and is , as he always has been, greatly respected. However his children are not. Particularly his heir Felipe who married a divorcee and commoner. Hence , I suspect, the booing .
Also for many years the income of this family has come from various Government sources and has only recently become more transparent and the general populace are aghast at how much it has cost them.
Consequently given the current economic nclimate in Spain mutterings are many would now prefer the country to become a republic .

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25 Jun 2013 7:50 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

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The Spanish Royal family are in crisis, there is no doubt about it. Just a few months ago a survey was carried out on 2500 citizens to determine the level of trust they had in the Royal Family and and they scored 3,65 out of 10, the lowest score recorded ever, a year earlier they had scored 4,89 out of 10. Not one person in Spain can give you the entire picture because it depends on which channel you watch and which paper you read as to how the story is told. But Spain is divided when it comes to the Royal family. The King's elephant hunting trip has pretty much been forgotten and the King has always been doing these kinds of things so it wasn't so much of a surprise to the nation, especially the older generations. However the younger generations don't share that understanding nor do they respect nor remember what the King did to bring about democracy in Spain, which is why he is so respected by the elder generations. Amonsgt the younger generations the majority share are calling for the third Republic.  There is a general understanding that the Royal Family costs too much money which is far from the truth, they cost a fraction of what other Royal families cost but some argue whatever it is it is too much. Leticia is seriously loosing popularity as the days go by, She is being rebellious with protocols and breaking Palace rules, she has spent fortunes on plastic surgery and fashion, as some say she wants to be the next Diana! 

The big problem here is the Urdangarin case, ongoing and looks very bad for him. The people don't believe that she was ignorant to the fact that her husband was committing fraud and she has been comdemned by the people, whether she has been charged or not. Eventhough she was let off again, it is clear she is being protected. Queen Sofia and Felipe are probably the only ones who are free of criticism at the moment, the booing the other day was an act against the Royal Family as a whole, not Sofia in particular.



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26 Jun 2013 10:30 AM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

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 It appears Cristina is not out of the woods yet, read today in the paper that the Judge has not been convinced by the explanation given by the Inland Revenue nor the State Attorney for the error that effectively linked her to the sale of 12/13 properties along the coast. I get the feeling that the state bodies are trying to hide the tracks that lead to Cristina and the Judge smells a rat!



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