Winter Fuel Allowance

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04 Jul 2013 10:47 AM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

I seem to recall that Alan Sugar and Peter Stringfellow tried to return their winter fuel payments, but were informed they could not as no system existed to accept the return payments.  


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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04 Jul 2013 10:59 AM by brickwork Star rating in Calahonda Mijas Cost.... 59 posts Send private message


Data summary

Officially registered inhabitants by country and nationality

Click heading to sort table. Download this data

UK citizens   150,000 104,175 390,880 29,184 764
French 123,000   116,295 122,385 32,956 705
German 297,000 91,000   195,842 42,302 4,446
Spanish 71,000 128,000 111,684   19,094 169
Italian 119,000 174,000 556,145 187,847   672
Polish 550,000 350,000 425,608 85,862 105,608  


390880 UK citizens in Spain x £3000.00 = far more than 71000 Spanish x €3000, in UK,  therefore once more UK is  officialy largest giver to other states Worldwide than anyone else, unless of course you are a Genuine Brit!! then they are the biggest taker!


This message was last edited by brickwork on 04/07/2013.


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04 Jul 2013 11:04 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar
Sorry, brickwork, but where does the EU agreement that Brits should get free prescriptions anywhere in the EU come from? The agreement is that you get the same treatment as a national in the country you live in. The Spanish pay, so we pay. If a Spaniard in UK (well, just England now) gets a prescription and they are under 60, they pay £8 not 40% of the cost. In Germany you have to pay a certain amount in insurance, just like the Germans. In France you pay a certain amount for each consultation, just like the French.
However, that's a bit far off the subject of the fuel allowance.
The only thing I seem to be in agreement is that politicians are, in the main, money-grabbing, trough-guzzlers out for every penny they can get. But that's another topic entirely.

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04 Jul 2013 11:21 AM by brickwork Star rating in Calahonda Mijas Cost.... 59 posts Send private message


It was the case until last year when the Spanish Government moved the goal posts, all I'm saying is it is one more kick in the teeth for the British pensioners here may who are on fixed income and no means of enhancing that, unless of course they win the lottery. As it happens I won £25.00 on the premium bonds but that's not going to go far !


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04 Jul 2013 11:22 AM by sooz Star rating. 12 posts Send private message

That is correct there is no system in place here in  the UK to return WFP.   Unfortunately all those wealthy brits have to find an alternative way of using this.  Most, as I understand it donate to their favourite charities. 

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04 Jul 2013 11:29 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar
But the case last year was that the Spanish got free prescriptions as well, not just the Brits. Nothing to do with nationality. Now they pay, we pay in exactly the same amount. Hardly the poor expat Brit pensioners being singled out when it applies to everyone.

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04 Jul 2013 12:56 PM by Kathyslad Star rating. 329 posts Send private message

" As it happens I won £25.00 on the premium bonds but that's not going to go far !"

Hope you declared for tax in Spain !

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04 Jul 2013 1:04 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Sorry,  but I have no idea what you meant with your reply, apparently to me headed:   ‘Data Summary’ or  how it relates to WFA
 If it is that Spain gets more from UK to pay for heath attention, then of course it does,  because as you show,  there are a lot more Brits living in Spain, and therefore, potentially getting treatment in Spain,  than vice versa.  But I suspect too,  that a much larger percentage of Brits in Spain, are at an age where they are likely to need attention more often that Spaniards in UK.   (Even though that has absolutely nothing to do with the health funding situation, nor WFA)

This message was last edited by johnzx on 04/07/2013.

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04 Jul 2013 1:43 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Still off topic but very true Johnzx.
Knowing as I do the number of expats here who have had heart ops, knee ops and undergoing cancer treatment here it probably cost the SNH more than £3000 a year to keep us alive.

Back on topic .
Are we going to draft an email to the PM with our concerns or ,is it as usual , just a lot of hot air caused through boredom !!!!

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04 Jul 2013 6:20 PM by brickwork Star rating in Calahonda Mijas Cost.... 59 posts Send private message


Yes please to second paragraph, I await you post to copy and paste in an email.


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04 Jul 2013 6:26 PM by brickwork Star rating in Calahonda Mijas Cost.... 59 posts Send private message


below is a paragraph you posted earlier today.

My figures prove the Spanish government get roughly five and a half  times more from UK than they give, please read it again, sorry if you don't remember but you bought up the NHS

"Brickwork.  I(johnzx) believe the amount the NHS pay (and indeed the what is paid to the NHS for Spaniards living in UK)  is an average cost,  so I would think it averages out for both countries".


This message was last edited by brickwork on 04/07/2013.

This message was last edited by brickwork on 04/07/2013.


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04 Jul 2013 6:40 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

  Just a note re the number of stars which was brought up earlier.  Why not make it that every time someone talks incomprehensible jibberish, they lose a star?  And whenever a message is deleted because it is offensive - they lose another star.   That would make it interesting.   Those of us who have never had a deletion should be given a zillion stars.  

Seriously though johnzx - you are on a loser.  I would not get involved - as xetog said to me earlier on this thread, some people just can't or won't understand what you are saying.  


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04 Jul 2013 8:04 PM by KathysLad Star rating. 329 posts Send private message


below is a paragraph you posted earlier today.

My figures prove the Spanish government get roughly five and a half  times more from UK than they give, please read it again, sorry if you don't remember but you bought up the NHS

"Brickwork.  I(johnzx) believe the amount the NHS pay (and indeed the what is paid to the NHS for Spaniards living in UK)  is an average cost,  so I would think it averages out for both countries"


Err, isn't that because there are five and a half times more UK citizens in Spain than Spaniards in the UK. What point are you trying to make. If its that the UK is paying more than it should, then this explains why thats not the case.

The EU regulations, which also apply in Iceland , Liechtenstein , Norway and Switzerland , govern the payment and calculation of costs relating to healthcare provided to another countries’ citizens. The UK government’s payments to Spain , to cover the cost of UK pensioners living in Spain , are calculated using an average of what it costs Spain to provide healthcare to its ‘insured’ residents. These costs are subject to scrutiny and approval by the European Commission and all member states. Once approved, the European Commission then arrange for each Member State ’s figures to be published in the official journal of the EU. This enables other Member States to calculate their payments to the Member State concerned. 

The latest published figure for Spain ’s average costs, for the calendar year 2008, is 3,491.45 Euros. This is the figure used to calculate payments to Spain by all other Member States for their state pensioners resident there in that year. 

In addition, the regulations also allow Member States to elect to use the actual cost of treatment provided rather than the average cost, as explained above. The UK applies a similar system to that used by Spain ; the most recently published UK average cost figure is £3,368.




This message was last edited by KathysLad on 04/07/2013.

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04 Jul 2013 9:01 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Kathylad,  not sure why you addressed your post to me. It was Brickworks who was questioning the charges. I startyed the thread  re Winter Fuel Alownace.


If it was "so I would think it averages out for both countries"  that was the average annual cost per patient,  not the average of the two countries. I was in that case responding to Brickwork's suggestion that Spain was getting a 'good deal'   as he thought the actual cost would be less than the annual fee paid.


Sorry but this is getting confusing.   Can we get back to the thread, WFA,  I have start another thread on Health Care.

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04 Jul 2013 11:16 PM by Kathyslad Star rating. 329 posts Send private message

Johnzx, sorry, I just copied the post. I should have deleted your name as my response was addressed to Brickworks, as I thought his comments based solely on the number of residents completely missed the point. I've posted here rather than the other thread you have started to clarify my original post.
This message was last edited by Kathyslad on 04/07/2013.

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05 Jul 2013 12:48 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Below is a email I am thinking of sending Cameron,Clegg et al.
I am posting it firstly because if anyone has any suggestions on how it can be improved , or something is incorrect, then appreciate any POLITE imput.

Although I agree that the British Government HAS to find away to reduce the enormous deficit I am at a loss to understand the " cherry picking" logic behind behind the announcement of recent austerity measures.

It was apparently deemed too expensive to tax the WFA but seemingly not to locate the deminimus, by comparison, number of expats who are currently in receipt of it.

Neither yourself nor your Chancellor cannot be unaware that pensioners ,many of who relocated to Europe in order to live within their means, are already saving your Government millions in benefits and in costs to healthcare which is undoubtedly less than the UK are obligated to pay to other EU countries.

Meanwhile... To name but a few inconsistencies...

Wealthy pensioners domiciled in the UK who can afford to winter in warmer climes are unaffected.
Migrant workers , whose families reside abroad, are allowed child benefit.
Billions in foreign aid ,promised to 3rd world countries, continues to line the pockets of the despots
And worse still....the "independent" IPSA board ...members of which have to have the approval of the Speaker.... have decided MP's are entitled to a 15% pay increase !!

The logic of it all defies comprehension.

If you and your chancellor are convinced that the austerity measures should be shared by everyone then why is it just the lower middle classes being affected.

If by removing WFA will help to make a difference then do it.
But make it fair. Remove it completely .
For everyone.

Yours truly
A VERY disenchanted Tory voter.

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05 Jul 2013 1:00 PM by brickwork Star rating in Calahonda Mijas Cost.... 59 posts Send private message


Excuse my ignorance but what is "deminimus " nothing on Google?

I too WAS  a Tory voter, but I feel Liberals and Labour voters may feel unable to send this so perhaps those off us could put purely  put  "A VERY disenchanted UK   voter."

Otherwise I think we should all copy it and send it daily if necessary!!


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05 Jul 2013 1:05 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

rReads good to me.  First para HAS to find a way, and deminimus?


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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05 Jul 2013 1:07 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Deminimus is legal jargon for pathetically small in amount or number not worth bothering about.

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05 Jul 2013 1:30 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

caught me out there, it's a capital De minimus Flo.


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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