Winter Fuel Allowance

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01 Jul 2013 12:04 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

The one problem that the majority of expats didn't realise is that in winter Spain , even with central heating on, the buildings are SO cold.
Indoors at least 4 layers of fleeced lined clothing required and hot water bottles for extremities.
Not a problem for the able bodied because they can jog outside in the sunshine but for the infirm hyperthermia is major problem here as in all countries north of the Equator.

Not saying that expats pensioners should not be targeted by UK government but Chancellor keeps saying EVERYONE will have to assist with the deficit and as yet haven't seen any evidence of that happening.

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01 Jul 2013 12:27 AM by brickwork Star rating in Calahonda Mijas Cost.... 59 posts Send private message


Well said, my first winter In Spain was horrendous, never been so cold in my life even with a wood burner going from the sitting room to the kitchen was like preparing for a visit to the North Pole, and I never thought bed sheets could get so cold, like getting into a fridge!!


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01 Jul 2013 7:46 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Would expats in Spain die of cold if they didn't get the WFA?  Probably not. Would pensioners in the uk die of cold if they didn't get the WFA. Probably yes.
In fact no they would not.
The answer is simple.
Abolish WFA along with all other allowances and benefits and replace them with Income Support, (which could be called Charity Transfer Payments  from the better off to the very poor) which is of course would be means tested


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01 Jul 2013 11:30 AM by seatrojo Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

 Once again the UK govt are trying to nick money from expat pensioners to pay for all the handouts they give to foreign nationals.

Why should we have the fuel allowance taken from us,we have all paid 44 years into the taxation system but if you are a foreign national aged 60 years and 1 day you can go to live in the UK and claim this benifeit having paid nothing into the system at all.

Isnt there any organization we can add our names to to fight this stupid money grab from Uk pensioners..

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01 Jul 2013 12:06 PM by brickwork Star rating in Calahonda Mijas Cost.... 59 posts Send private message


You could always start one, I would join up


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01 Jul 2013 12:38 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Didn't i hear that if 100.000 people sent into parliment? or downing street? they have to debate it...or something along these lines.

So thats three of us...only a few more needed.

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01 Jul 2013 12:44 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar
There is an e-petition regarding this but you have to be a UK resident to join it. That's going to get a lot of support, then. Of course, you could always threaten to thcream and thcream until you're thick! That should grab their attention.

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01 Jul 2013 12:58 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

The mps are underpaid? Did they not know what the salary would be when they were elected?

 The money they save on the wfp for expats won't even cover the rise they are going to get .

Are we still in it together or just the weakest of us going to the wall?

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01 Jul 2013 1:29 PM by brickwork Star rating in Calahonda Mijas Cost.... 59 posts Send private message


I don' think you have to be a UK Resident to sign, I sign e-petions with my Spanish address all it says is are you a UK citizen, which I am - can you post the link for it please


This message was last edited by brickwork on 01/07/2013.

This message was last edited by brickwork on 01/07/2013.


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01 Jul 2013 1:31 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

As expats cannot sign UK petitions perhaps we should bombard Cameron and Clegg with emails.
Think though our emails should all read exactly the same and , preferably without mentioning how freezing cold it is for those who live in the mountainous areas of Spain..or elsewhere , but stick to the facts re injustice especially now the MP's believe 70k isn't sufficient to exist on but OAP's are supposedly " having a ball" on less than 6k.

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01 Jul 2013 1:39 PM by brickwork Star rating in Calahonda Mijas Cost.... 59 posts Send private message


We can sign them, you only have to be a UK citizen, NOT resident.I have asked bobaol to post the link, I have signed e-petitions before with my Spanish address and they are accepted 

If someone takes the laed to write an email and posts it here I for one would copy it and send it to DC onece a day!! 


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01 Jul 2013 1:39 PM by nicechap Star rating. 11 posts Send private message

I dont know about others but the HMRC still stop tax on my very small private pension two years ago they stole 4000 pounds from me by changing the rules in regard to CTC knowing they would be change back 6 months later by the EU  I think we should all e- mail  DC and tell him how p-off we are at being got at at any opportunity I will be mailing him but if anyone takes up the cause I will sign up and give what ever support I can

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01 Jul 2013 1:39 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Abolish WFA along with all other allowances and benefits and replace them with Income Support, (which could be called Charity Transfer Payments  from the better off to the very poor) which is of course would be means tested
But make it possible for anyone , who would be eligible to claim if they were living in the UK, to claim no matter wherever they live. E.g.  pensioners  living in Spain who need help would not be forced to return to UK to get it.


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01 Jul 2013 1:48 PM by lifeinvejer Star rating in Costa de la Luz. 16 posts Send private message

Why is it that there is the view that MPs are well paid. The real talent in the country does jobs that pay reasonable amounts for the responsibility they have. So all the uk gets is third rate MPs or oneswith other income. There is a huge gulf on what talent ought to get and the amounts we expect politicians to earn.

Should we ever get a real talent pool in politics we might get them to take the hard decisions and your never know that might include actually being honest with the bulk of the country about concepts such as managing to a balanced budget. However, since anyone impacted by anything however trivial eg WFA goes over the top about it. I doubt any one with real talent would be daft enough to want to get the grief and moans about this sort of stuff.

There is never a set in stone right to anything. The world moves on as things change.

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01 Jul 2013 1:50 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

2 brilliant paragraphs johnzx and a start.

Come on posters thinking caps on.

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01 Jul 2013 1:50 PM by leytonette Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

 Same here Floella.  Exactly why I have an electric underblanket on my bed which is put on for a couple of hours before I get into it!

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01 Jul 2013 1:52 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

Perhaps they should be looking to employ a talented/capable houswives with years of experiencing in balancing a budget.  Because at the moment they have no idea how it's done.


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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01 Jul 2013 1:53 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

(Sorry I am following others off thread.)


I believe a large part of what used to be dealt  with by Westminster is now done in Brussels. 

So maybe drastically reduce the number of MP’s demand that they have just that one job, no consultancies etc. and then pay them the wage for the job



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01 Jul 2013 1:57 PM by nicechap Star rating. 11 posts Send private message

I would say 70 K a year was well paid I live on 1600 euros a month

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01 Jul 2013 2:01 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Head ponchos of Council " appear" to earn more than the PM , lifeinvejer BUT it is an almost extinct MP , who isn't raking cash in from outside sources. Not forgetting their " apparently" legal expenses which range from dodgy videos !!! to 2nd homes

Totally agree Foxilady.

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